External Audit TOR

FARM STEW South Sudan is a registered National NGO working in South Sudan since 2018. It is part of an international network partnered with FARM STEW International headquarter in the United States. FARM STEW South Sudan (FS-SS) began operations in December 2018 with funding from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SADC). FARM STEW International is an active partner operating from a small but generous donation base in the United States. FS-SS’s mission is to improve the health and well-being of poor families and vulnerable people by sharing the recipe of abundant life throughout the world. FARM STEW trains local leaders in holistic community development with 8 “ingredients” in a “recipe” for a healthy lifestyle. It’s an acronym standing for organic, sustainable Farming, positive Attitude, Rest, whole-foods plant-based Meals, Sanitation & hygiene, Temperance, small business Enterprise, and clean Water.
To ensure quality delivery, FARM STEW South Sudan is looking for an independent external Audit to provide audit service for the organisation. Please refer to the attached TOR
FARM STEW Audit TOR 2020.pdf (102.2 KB)