Expression of Interest (EoI) to provide translation services to Amref Health Africa in South Sudan.

“About the Organization”
Amref Health Africa is the largest indigenous health development non-governmental organization based in Africa. Working with and through African communities, health systems and governments, Amref Health Africa aims to close the gap that prevents people from accessing their basic right to health. Amref Health Africa is headquartered in Nairobi, and has programmes in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Southern Africa and West Africa. For more information visit our website

The M(H)IND project [AID 012590/07/0] aims at improving the mental health status and resilience of people with psychological, neurological and psychiatric disorders in South Sudan, through a reduction of stigma, dedicated community and clinical services, and competent social and health personnel.

Purpose of the Consultancy:
The overall objective of the sought services is to provide accurate and excellent translation services in South Sudan, within the framework of the M(H)IND project.

2 Lots:
The translation services sought after by Amref Health Africa are the following (lots):

  1. From English to Juba-Arabic
  2. From English to Dinka
  3. From English to Bongo
  4. From English to Toposa
  5. From English to Zande
  6. From English to Moru
  7. From English to Moru Kodo

The applicant can only be an organization and should demonstrate to have the following:
a. Demonstrated experience in providing professional, high-quality translation services regarding health-related materials, for at least 1 year.
b. Committed to work and meet the deadline as agreed with the Consortium Coordinator.
c. Excellent English communication and writing skills.

The applicant(s) may be contracted to deliver services between December 2023 and April 2024.

This is a challenging opportunity for dedicated and highly motivated South Sudanese professional(s). If you would like to join this dynamic team and help to bring lasting health change in Africa, please send:

i. Curriculum Vitae of key professionals to be engaged in the provision of the translation services.
ii. Financial Proposal, simply indicating:
a. The proposed gross service fee per page, and/or number of characters (in USD or SSP).
b. The applicant’s bank account.
iii. Evidence of past performance of similar work, such as materials translated from English to one or more of the above listed local languages in the past.

For More Information download the attached TOR Below:-
EoI_Provision of Translation Services.pdf (151.3 KB)