ERDI-Request for Project Audit Services

Emergency Response and Development Initiative (ERDI) is a registered nationally recognised South Sudanese based non-profit Organisation with Relief and Rehabilitation Commission in 2018 registration License No. 1,297.
ERDI thematic areas include; WASH, Education, Food Security and Livelihoods, Protection, climate change, Health, Nutrition, capacity building, and Peacebuilding.
To provide resilience sustainable community-led development that foster local ownership and national development.
To implement evidence-based, gender sensitive and inclusive projects according to perceived community needs and priorities as understood through coordinated assessments.
ERDI Goal:
To promote sustainable gender sensitive & inclusive equitable quality services through effective programs deliveries and improved operational systems for healthier communities.

ERDI is currently seeking an external audit firm with experience of working with NNGOs funded by Save the Children International and responding to the challenges of finance and control in South Sudan…

ERDI-Request for Project Audit Services.pdf (781.2 KB)