EOI Architectural-Engineering Companies - DT Global, AFIA WASH Project

Dear All,

DT Global South Sudan Afia WASH is inviting interested, eligible and competent Architecture and/or Engineering (A&E) Firms via this Expression of Interest (EOI) to respond on their willingness to be considered to conduct future A&E services in any or all of the following counties in South Sudan:

  1. Western Bar El Ghazal State; Wau and Jur River Counties

  2. Eastern Equatoria State; Kapoeta North and Budi Counties

  3. Jonglei State; Akobo, Duk and Uror County

  4. Upper Nile State; Baliet and Ulang Counties

  5. Unity State; Mayendit, Leer and Panyijar counties

  6. Greater Pibor Administrative Area; Pibor county

For more details, please refer to the Request for Expression of Interest (REOI) document uploaded here.

EOI Architectural-Engineering Companies.pdf (204.3 KB)


Procurement Team,
DT Global South Sudan- AFIA WASH Project