Entrepreneurship and Inclusive Agribusiness Course (18th – 22nd September 2017) Nairobi, Kenya

Entrepreneurship and Inclusive Agribusiness Course

In 2016, the world launched the 2030 agenda for Sustainable Development Goals which is a set of 17 Global Goals to succeed the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). These Goals include Goal 1 and 2; that focus on ending poverty and hunger respectively among others. Despite the existence of global agendas and frameworks to reduce poverty and end hunger, the world still experience acute hunger and poverty. For instance, according to the United Nations report of June 2017 the world population stood at 7.5 billion out of which one of nine people did not have enough to eat.
While increased agricultural production is essential in improving food security status of households and the nation, it is not sufficient to reduce hunger and poverty. The best approach would be to promote the entire agricultural value chain through collaborative efforts among the state and the non state actors. These actors include donors, banks, civil society organizations, private sector, religious groups, and agricultural associations among other groups. The formation of collaborations can be informed by studying the entire chain, identifying opportunities and constraints as well assessing the need for Business Development Services (BDSs) that can help smallholder farmers improve enterprise(s) performance. These BDSs include input, advisory services, market information/communication through ICT, business management, legal services, financial services, transport services, insurance, farm implements (tools and equipment), gathering and storage and value addition.

5 Days

This course is intended for various actors in the Agriculture working with communities, in governments, funding agencies, Research organizations and non-government organizations, civil society organizations, among others for Agriculture support activities and other Development programmes.

Upon completion of the course, participants will:
• Understand issues on entrepreneurship
• Understand the agribusiness environment and how to make it inclusive
• Better understand how to overcome pitfalls in businesses, particularly agriculture-based businesses
• Understand importance of collective marketing
• Understand importance of record keeping

How to participate
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View Agriculture, Food Security and Rural Livelihoods Development Institute Course Catalogue
For further inquiries, please contact us on Tel: +254 715 077 817, +254 (020) 211 3814, +254 731240802, +254 735331020.

Email outreach@indepthresearch.org