Emergency Planning Management Course(19th – 23rd June 2017)

Emergency Planning Management Course

Thorough understanding of the issues that underlie many of the day-to-day problems faced by practitioners in the field of emergency planning and management is very important in these times where emergencies of various kinds are so common. These risks are high and hence increased levels of preparedness & more effective responses to realized risks are thus necessary.
Time matters in a crisis besides thorough planning, clear communication and effective strategies save lives and limit disruption. This understanding, including how such issues may be addressed in practice, is necessary in order to increase the level of resilience of individual organizations, as well as the effectiveness of the integrated emergency management of disruptive challenges to the world economies/ societies. This course blends academic study with experiential learning of best practice to teach you about disaster preparedness and response and creates professionals who are ready for action
This course offers training in the fundamentals of the emergency planning process, including the rationale behind planning. It will develop your capability for effective participation in the all-hazard emergency operations planning process to save lives and protect property threatened by disaster. You will have the opportunity to interact with our experienced facilitators who bring professional and research expertise into their teaching;

5 days.

This course is designed for emergency management personnel who are involved in developing an effective emergency planning system. Employees in public, charitable and private organizations involved in emergency planning and management

Upon completion of the course, participants will:
• Gain knowledge required to pursue a career or work on emergency planning and management.
• Will examine theory and practice in a range of countries, benchmarking approaches in their respective countries of origin/work and generally build relevant experience in the industry.
• Develop their skills that are needed to manage the response to various emergencies (i.e. Civil, technological incidents, transport accidents and natural disasters among others)
• Develop an early warning system and risk management plan tailored to the needs of their organization;
• Examine the kinds of tools and products that are available or could be developed to integrate information into forms most useful for them to make decisions at various levels; and
• Set-up appropriate contingency plan or options to guide members of their organization against various hazards of different timescales.

How to participate
Tailor Made Training
Register Individual
Register Group

View Development and Humanitarian Capacity Building Institute Course Catalogue
For further inquiries, please contact us on Tel: +254 715 077 817, +254 (020) 211 3814, +254 731240802, +254 735331020.
Email outreach@indepthresearch.org