Education Project Officer, M&E Officer & Gender & Inclusive Officer

Universal Intervention and Development Organization (UNIDOR) is a South Sudanese national and Faith based Organization founded in 2004 and is legally registered by the Relief and Rehabilitation commission (RRC) with registration number 181. UNIDOR is a member of South Sudan NGOs forum, active member of different working clusters across the Country. UNIDOR operates in 4 states and over 11 counties in South Sudan with program portfolio covering health, nutrition, FSL, WASH, Education, General protection including GBV and Child Protection, Peace-Building and Conflict Resolution. UNIDOR continues to provide lifesaving humanitarian assistance to the vulnerable people of South Sudan with the aim of rebuilding lives and restore peace.
M & E Project officer .pdf (713.6 KB)
Gender and Inclusive Officer .pdf (721.6 KB)
Education Project Officer.pdf (682.5 KB)