Event: Economic and social classifications: Methodology and application Course
Venue: Nairobi, Kenya
Event Date: 6th – 10th November 2017
The course focuses on the principles, concepts and applications of the main economic classification that are applied in the Statistical System. Reference is also given to the international classifications from which the European classifications are derived from.
5 days
Staff from National Statistics Offices, Government ministries, National Institutes and Planning Ministries, Central banks, and University Researchers among others applying social and/or economic classifications in business registers statistical domains as well as staff responsible for the development and application of national economic classifications.
• The course should provide participants with a better understanding of the underlying principles and concepts of international economic and social classifications, their content and use.
• Participants will be familiar with statistical classifications, their content and their links
• Improved knowledge and understanding of the main issues related to classifications and their use.
• Basic principles of classifications
• International system of linked economic classifications & family of international economic classifications
• Revised international economic classifications:
o ISIC Rev. 4 and NACE Rev. 2
o CPC Version 2.1, CPA 2008 and its update
o CPCProv
• Harmonised system, Combined Nomenclature, PRODCOM
• Functional/purpose classifications : COICOP & COICOP, COPNI,
• Social classifications: ISCO, EseG project, ISCED, ICATUS
• Geographical classifications: ISO, UN
• Interpretation and classification guidelines and rules
• Tools and sources: UN classification registry and other classification databases
• Methods and classification
o City groups
o International Comparison Programme
o National Statistical Systems
o Civil registration systems
o International economic and social classifications
o Population density and urbanization
o Country and area codes (M49)
o International migration
o Population and housing censuses
o Demographic and social surveys
o Methodological publications in statistics
o Public order and safety, offenders and their victims
o Environmental accounting
o National accounts
o Statistics on international trade in services
o Geographical names and information systems
o National and international data sources and links
o Time-use statistics (Allocation of time and time use)
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