DRC Tender Notice for Provision of security services

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is a private, independent, humanitarian organization founded in 1956. DRC currently works on all aspects of refugee cause in more than twenty-five countries throughout the world. The aim of DRC is to protect refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) against persecution and to promote durable solutions to the problems of forced migration, based on humanitarian principles and human rights. DRC works in accordance with the UN Conventions on Refugees and the Code of Conduct for the ICRC and NGOs in Disaster Relief.

The protection and assistance to conflict affected population is provided within a long-term, regional and rights-based approach to constitute a coherent and effective response to the challenges posed by today’s conflicts. Assistance consists of relief and other humanitarian aid, rehabilitation, support to return and repatriation as well as promotion of long-term solutions to displacement and its causes. In addition, support and capacity building of local and national authorities and NGOs form an integral part of DRC’s work.

DRC advertises tender opportunity for potential security comapnies to express interest in providing security services. Kindly circulate the attached widely within your networks.
Annex G- Tender Notice (1).pdf (1.4 MB)