Diploma in Public Health from 1st November 2017 to 30th April 2018


Africa Institute for Project Management Studies (AIPMS) is pleased to announce a Diploma in Public Health .The course is offered through Distance Learning.

Course Overview
Public Health is the scientific discipline of safeguarding and enhancing the well being of general public by means of education, promotion of healthy ways of life, and extensive study of diseases and injury prevention. Public health experts review the impact on health of genetics, individual choice and the surroundings so as to create plans that safeguard the health of your family and local community.
In general, public health is concerned with safeguarding the overall health of whole populations. These populations can vary in size from a small neighborhood, to as big as an entire nation.
The public health professionals’ take up community programs to make people conscious of threats such as chemical poisoning and to address persistent problems afflicting the society. In an age of dwindling healthcare expenses, administrators’ are anticipated to conclude projects sooner and with less ground staff than ever before. This has strained many public administrators to implement their creative skills in scheming novel ways to lever the concerns they encounter. In simple terms, public health administration is the constant monitoring of health issues of public and educating them accordingly in ways that they can understand.
The Diploma course will equip the participants with relevant knowledge of the terminologies and major milestone in Public Health. The course is very important for those involved in Community Development and Health.
Course Outline
Module 1
I. Introduction
II. Epidemiology
III. Social and behavioral foundation of primary health care
IV. Health illness and behavior
V. Social environment and Health
VI. Social reactions to diseases
VII. Environmental Health
VIII. Public health in practice
Module 2
I. Introduction to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
II. Hygiene Promotion
III. Water Supply Standards: Water Quality
IV. Water and Sanitation initial needs Assessments
V. Health Promotion and Community Participation

Module 3
I. Introduction to Epidemiology
II. Analytic epidemiology
III. Epidemic disease occurrence
IV. Data collection and summarizing
V. Measures of risk and measures of association
Module 4
I. Displaying Public health Data: Graphs, maps and computer technology
II. Public health surveillance
III. Investigating and Outbreak
This module is designed specifically for development and public organizations.

Course Organizers:
Africa Institute for Project Management Studies (www.africadevelopmentresources.org1) is an organization that was founded in 1999 as a capacity building expert and a development think tank that proposes solutions for development problems facing third world countries .
We have delivered timely and professional capacity building services to a wide variety of organizations in the development sector. These include donor organizations, Government agencies, co-funding agencies, International and local NGOs, Government agencies and private sector firms. We have conducted successful consultancies for many organizations.

After they have read the material for each unit, students are expected to test their own Learning by completing some relevant exercises and tasks.
Assignments: There are ten assignments (continuous assessment tests) and one examination to be offered at the end of the course. Assignments and Continuous Assessment Tests account for 70% project paper or examination will account for 30% of the mark. Upon completion of the course you shall be issued with a Diploma Certificate and a course transcript .

Certificate and Transcripts will be sent after successful completion of the course
DURATION AND COURSE LOAD: 24 Weeks - 5 to 6 hours per week
FORMAT: Web-based and Distance Learning facilitated

The Academics Coordinator
Africa Institute for Project Management Studies (AIPMS)