Diploma in Monitoring & Evaluation for Humanitarian Programs & Projects

Diploma in Monitoring & Evaluation for Humanitarian Programs & Projects.

To view the details click on :https://bit.ly/3cBic24

To register for the course click on : https://bit.ly/3Bl0Ptu

The course aims at outlining the fundamental principles and methodologies for program monitoring and evaluation while underscoring the practical application for humanitarian practitioners, Aid workers and researchers.

Concrete conceptual frameworks for mixed methods use (both qualitative and quantitative) in program monitoring and evaluation.

Methodological and implementation challenges as well as applications in program assessment, impact, development, interventions, and overall implementation…

Introduction to the capabilities of the new digital tools, methods and research resources for increasing quality and efficiency of data collection, access, analysis, and visualization.

The following Topics shall be covered;

Ø Introduction to Multi-level Mixed Method Evaluations

Ø Theory of Change, Log Frame and Program Monitoring

Ø Program Monitoring

Ø Introduction to Impact Evaluation / Comparison of Evaluation Designs

Ø Impact Evaluations: Randomized Impact Evaluations

Ø Humanitarian and Measurement Concepts

Ø Minimizing Error and Bias

Ø Sampling

Ø Analysis and Threats

Ø Introduction to Digital Research and Assessment Methods

Ø Ethical Issues

Ø Practical Issues in Data collection

Course Objectives

At the end of this course the participant will be able to:

• Understand the principles underlying the selection of an appropriate design for program evaluation and monitoring;
• Understand how to design research tools, identify data sources and methods used to acquire information to assess program impact;
• Able to design a strategy to monitor a program and/or assess impact;
• Critically analyze both the opportunities and the limitations that emerge when working with digital technology for program monitoring and evaluation

Target Audience

NGO and UN workers, national and local government disaster preparedness planners, and other professionals involved in the development, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of humanitarian programs.

Mode of Delivery

Online (E-learning) / Distance Learning

Application Procedure

Applicants should click on the following Link and fill in their details. https://bit.ly/3Bl0Ptu

Or Contact the Undersigned,

Samira Ali
The Academics Manager,
Africa Training Institute Studies (ATI)
E-mail: [email protected]