Diploma in Monitoring and Evaluation Online Course 10/02 - 10/10/2020

Intex Management Institute offers Online and Distance Learning Diploma Course in Monitoring and Evaluation

Start Date: 10th February 2020

Course End Date: 10th October 2020

Registration Deadline: 9th February 2020

Course Overview
Now more than ever, development programs are expected to deliver results. For everyone involved in development, the value of their ideas, advice, and action produced is increasingly being gauged by whether it improves lives. Moreover, the global economic crisis has doubled the importance of getting the maximum impact from every program, as countries are facing painful tradeoffs. Consequently, every program needs the information to answer two vital questions: “What would constitute success in addressing this problem?” and “How will we know success when we achieve it”? The answers to these questions will help everyone understand which programs are working, which are not, which can be scaled up, and which should be phased out.

It is obvious that achieving results starts with a good design, including a well-crafted implementation strategy. However, ensuring that knowledge learned along the way is put to use is equally important. This knowledge can be learned both through periodic detailed analyses of a problem, as well as through the everyday, incremental learning that comes with implementation. Good monitoring and evaluation systems capture both forms of knowledge. This Diploma Manual is designed to equip the learners with relevant know how on how to design and conduct a successful Monitoring and Evaluation which is paramount to every development project

Course Outline

Module one:

Introduction to Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Introduction

  • Monitoring and Evaluation as an integral component of Project Planning and Implementation

  • Evaluation types and Model

  • Monitoring and Evaluation Methods and Tools

  • Monitoring and Evaluation Planning, Design and Implementation

  • Data Analysis and Report writing

  • Why Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Putting Planning Monitoring and Evaluation together: Results Based Management

  • Designing a Monitoring System

  • Baseline and Damage control

Module Two:

Project Risk and Audit management

  • Introduction to Project Planning and Management

  • Project uncertainty

  • Project Lifecycle and risks involved

  • Motives for formal Risk Management Process

  • An overview of Generic Risk Management Process

  • Risk Management

  • Introduction to Project Audits

  • Project Monitoring

  • Project Evaluation

  • Project Audit: Processes and Report Writing

  • Audit Methodology according to Individual Phases and Areas

Module Three:

Conducting Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Indicators

  • Project Management techniques in monitoring

  • Understanding the Initiative or The project

  • Stakeholder Analysis

  • Importance of Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Cluster development

  • Community Based Participatory Research

  • Participatory Evaluation

  • Why should have an Evaluation Plan

  • Monitoring Evaluation Accountability and Learning

Module Four:

Making Monitoring and Evaluation work in an organization

  • Making Monitoring And Evaluation work

  • Choosing questions and planning for Evaluation

  • Information Gathering and Synthesis

  • Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation Design

  • Selecting appropriate Design

  • Collecting and Analyzing Data

  • Collecting and use of Archival Data

  • Refining Project based on Evaluation Research

  • Using and Evaluation Design to answer key questions about your Project

  • Providing Feedback to Improve the Project

  • Communicating Information

  • Evaluation Report outline

Course Organizers
Intex Management Institute was registered in 1983. We have been offering a wide range of Human Resource Management training programs both online and open workshops, building capacity to enhance effective service delivery for NGOs, CBOs, Public and Private sector.We have trained and currently training participants from various organizations across Africa such as UNDP - Burundi, World Food Programme - Zimbabwe, SOS Children – Somalia, and specifically organization from South Sudan are State Ministry of Education, MEDAIR, Norwegian Refugee - Liberia, Zenab for Women Development, Action AID, Caritas, International Organization for Migration, International Committee of the Red Cross, UNHCR, Save the Children, Medical Corps, Peace Relief Development, World Vision, Action Against Hunger, UNICEF, Plan International, Norwegian Refugee Council, Johanniter International, Islamic Relief Worldwide, Peace Relief Development , AMREF, World Health Organization, USAID, International Committee of the Red Cross, Action Africa Help (AAH) International, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) just to mention but a few.


****Course Duration: 32 weeks (8 months) ****

Course Fee: USD 400

**Contact: Email: [email protected] ******

To enroll,download ONLINE APPLICATION FORM.doc (161 KB) fill in and send to: [email protected]



Janet K. Mbijiwe
Online Training Manager
Intex Management Institute
[email protected]

+254 734525141 | 254 737 952 385