Diploma in Human Resource Management from 1st June to 1st December 2017


Course Organizers:

Africa Institute for Project Management Studies (www.africadevelopmentresources.org) is an organization that was founded in 1999 as a capacity building expert and a development think tank that proposes solutions for development problems facing third world countries with a big project portfolio in Africa.
We have delivered timely and professional capacity building services to a wide variety of organizations in the development sector. These include donor organizations, Government agencies, co-funding agencies, International and local NGOs, Government agencies and private sector firms. We have conducted successful consultancies for many organizations.
Course Overview
While many of the tasks associated with human resource management are centered in the HR Department, all managers have HR responsibilities. This course will cover the broad range of topics associated with HR management from the perspective of the HR professional, the manager, and the employee.
This Diploma in Human Resource Management is an online professional development course that aims to provide you with the essential foundation knowledge, skills and competencies required to perform effectively in a human resource management team. This course will give participants essential tools for kick starting their career in HR. It is also a great way for existing HR professionals to expand their knowledge.
The Diploma in Human Resource Management Course will introduce you to the field of human resource management - and its growing importance to the success of the organization’s overall performance and success. The course introduces students to the theories, ideas, controversies and challenges involved in managing human resources in contemporary work organizations. The course also focuses on the link between an organization’s overall business strategies and an organization’s HR strategies, policies and practices.
Course Content
Module 1
a) Responsibilities of a professional Manager
b) Tasks of a professional manager
c) Structuring Human resource Management
d) The changing context and emerging issues in HRM
e) Concept and function of HRM
Module 2
a) Concept of Organizational Socialization
b) Concept of Mobility
c) Contemporary Issues in managing Demand and Supply
d) Changing nature of Roles
e) Job Analysis
f) Contemporary issues in Job Analysis
Module 3
a) Performance and Potential Appraisal
b) Career Succession and Planning
c) Dislocation and relocation of Employees
d) Selection
e) Recruitment
Module 4
a) Human Resource Accounting
b) Human Resource Audit
c) Human Resource Information Systems
d) Managing Trade Unions
e) Issues and Trends in Common Bargaining Agreement
f) Dealing with trade Unions
g) Negotiating Skills
This course is designed specifically for development organizations.
After they have read the material for each unit, students are expected
to test their own Learning by completing some relevant exercises and
Assignments: There are ten assignments
(continuous assessment tests) and one examination to be offered at the end
of the course. Assignments and Continuous Assessment Tests account for 70% while Examination accounts for 30% of the mark. Upon completion of the course you shall be issued with a Diploma Certificate and a course transcript.
Certificate and Transcripts will be sent after successful completion of the course
DURATION AND COURSE LOAD: 24 Weeks - 5 to 6 hours per week
DATES: Course Starts every 1st of the month.
ORGANIZERS: Africa Institute for Project Management Studies (AIPMS)
LANGUAGE: English only

Course starts 1st June 2017
Course Ends 1st December 2017

FORMAT: Distance Learning facilitated

The Academics Coordinator
Africa Institute for Project Management Studies (AIPMS)
Email: info@africadevelopmentresources.org
Website: iwww.africadevelopmentresources.org