Diploma in Effective Organizational Management from 1st July to 31st Dec 2017

Africa Institute for Project Management Studies (AIPMS) is pleased to announce a Diploma in Effective Organizational Development. The course is offered through distance learning for six months.
Start Date: 1st July 2017
End Date: 31st December 2017

Course Organizers:
Africa Institute for Project Management Studies (www.africadevelopmentresources.org) is an organization that was founded in 1999 as a capacity building expert and a development think tank that proposes solutions for development problems facing third world countries with a big capacity building portfolio in Africa.
We have delivered timely and professional capacity building services to a wide variety of organizations in the development sector. These include donor organizations, government agencies, co-funding agencies, International and local NGOs, government agencies and private sector firms. We have conducted successful programmes for many organizations.

Course Overview
Module 1. Monitoring & Evaluation
This toolkit deals with the “nuts and bolts” (the basics) of setting up and using a monitoring and evaluation system for a project or an organization. It clarifies what monitoring and evaluation are, how you plan to do them, how you design a system that helps you monitor and an evaluation process that brings it all together usefully. It looks at how you collect the information you need and then how you save yourself from drowning in data by analyzing the information in relatively straightforward way. Finally it raises, and attempts to address, some of the issues to do with taking action on the basis of what you have learned.

Module 2. Budgeting
This toolkit provides guidelines on how to go about developing and monitoring a budget. It will help you with an overall organizational budget as well as with a budget for a specific project. It includes tools for estimating costs as well as tips for ensuring that your budgets meet the needs of your project or organization. In the examples section we give actual examples of budgets and how they can be monitored.

Module 3. Developing a Financing Strategy
This toolkit will help you to develop a process for ensuring the financial sustainability of your organization. We believe that thinking through a financing strategy for your organization in systematic way, and writing that strategy up as a basic reference document for the organization will help you towards gaining financial sustainability. If you use this toolkit in conjunction with other toolkits, you will increase the capacity of your organizations to plan for sustainability, and to generate the funds needed.

Module 4. Financial Control and Accountability
This toolkit provides an introduction for the non-financial manager or leader on controlling the finances of the organization in such a way that the organization can be held financially accountable. It looks at the basics of a good bookkeeping system, at the importance of having financial policies and how to develop them. It also spells out the role of key structures in financial control and accountability, making a distinction between the Board and the CEO of the organization. There is a section dealing with the annual external audit, and several examples to illustrate the financial control tools dealt with in the toolkit. The whole toolkit is geared towards enabling a non-financial manager or leader to manage the finances in an informed and competent way.

Module 5. Writing Effectively and Powerfully
This toolkit offers valuable tips and tools for both inexperienced and experienced writers. Anyone who is interested in strengthening the effectiveness and power of their writing should find this toolkit useful. Our focus is on writing in and for civil society organizations so that people working for such organizations will hopefully benefit, and their organizational work will be strengthened through using the tools on offer.

Module 6. Writing within You Organization
This toolkit offers valuable tips and tools for both inexperienced and experienced writers. This toolkit will be particularly useful for people who write internal documents for their organization. This toolkit is rich in tips, tools and examples for strengthening the writings within your organization. Some Subjects: Notice Boards; Memos; Letters, Faxes and E-mails; Minutes; Reports.

Module 7. Handling the Media
This toolkit offers pointers to understanding how newsrooms work in the mass media. It looks at issues of power and control, and moves on to offering practical guidelines when doing interviews with newspapers, radio or television journalists. We also look at issuing press statements.

Module 8. Producing You Own Media
This toolkit makes the connection between producing your media and organizational planning and budgeting, skills development, and using service providers. Because of this broad approach, people in organizations who already produce media may find new things to think about. And those who are starting out should find it invaluable.

Module 9. Internal Communication
This toolkit will be useful for all organizations that want to improve their internal communication. In particular, it will be useful for those organizations that want to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their organization by creating increased cohesion among staff, management and volunteers. In addition, the toolkit also offers food for thought and some tips for organizations that may already feel that they have an effective internal communication process but want to ensure that these are maintained and utilized consistently.

Module 10. Promoting Your Organization
This toolkit will be useful for all organizations that want to promote themselves. It will be especially useful for organizations that are new to promotion work. It will also offer food for thought and some tips for organizations that already have experience in promotional work.

Module 11. Organizational Development
This module aims to help current board members and those managing development organizations to consider their different roles and how they can work together to fulfill the organization’s mission.
It looks at key governance principles and issues so that organizations can improve their governance structure or set up a governing body if they do not already have one.
There is guidance about recruiting and welcoming new board members so that they can fully understand their role before they start service.
This module is designed specifically for development organizations.

After they have read the material for each unit, students are expected to test their own Learning by completing some relevant exercises and tasks.
In order to demonstrate their understanding of the course content, students will be required to submit Ten assignments and One Examination
Diploma Certificate and Transcript will be issued on successful completion of the course.
DURATION AND COURSE LOAD: 24Weeks - 5 to 6 hours per week
DATES: Six Months Course

Course starts on 1st July 2017
Course Ends on 31st December 2017
ORGANIZERS: Africa Institute for Project Management Studies (AIPMS)
LANGUAGE: English only
FORMAT: Distance Learning facilitated

The Academics Coordinator
Africa Institute for Project Management Studies
Ketry Apartments, Suite No 14, Limuru Road,
Tel: +254 708-257-424/723 305 358
Email: info@africadevelopmentresources.org
Website: www.africadevelopmentresources.org