Data Management, Graphics and Statistical analysis using SPSS Course. (11th – 15th September 2017) Naivasha, Kenya

Data Management, Graphics and Statistical analysis using SPSS Course

SPSS is used extensively in business, government and academia. It is a statistical analysis package and so allows any organization or individual that holds large amounts of data to analyze it and understand it more deeply. At its most simple it is very useful for discovering correlations between different variables. At its most powerful it can be used to make statistically valid forecasts for future events or results
Everything in our course is aimed at making you a faster and more relaxed SPSS user. Our courses are deliberately hands-on including lots of small exercises and examples to ensure that you spend time working with SPSS. We believe that software skills that are developed in this way are deeper than those developed from classroom explanations. Our exercises are carefully chosen to emphasis the key aspects of each lesson.

5 days

This is a general course targeting participants with elementary knowledge of Statistics from Agriculture, Economics, Food Security and Livelihoods, Nutrition, Education, Medical or public health professionals among others who already have some statistical knowledge, but wish to be conversant with the concepts and applications of statistical modeling. No Prior attendance of a SPSS course is required.The training is designed for participants who are reasonably proficient in English.

The training is designed for participants who are reasonably proficient in English.

5 Days

• Understand and appropriately use statistical terms and concepts
• Design computer aided data capture screens using CSPRO
• Use mobile phone data collection tool Open Data Kit (ODK) to collect survey data
• Convert data into various formats using appropriate software
• Perform basic data analysis tasks with SPSS
• Perform simple to complex data management tasks using SPSS
• Correctly identify appropriate statistical test for basic analysis s and perform them using SPSS
• Perform basic longitudinal, time series and econometric analysis

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View Research, Data Management and Statistical Analysis Institute Course Catalogue
For further inquiries, please contact us on Tel: +254 715 077 817, +254 (020) 211 3814, +254 731240802, +254 735331020.