Data Entry Clerk Vacancy

Reach Alternatives (REALs, former Japan Center for Conflict Prevention) is an international NGO with its headquarters in Tokyo, Japan. In Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, and the Middle East, REALs runs a wide variety of field projects, ranging from community security and safety, research and training in peace and security, protection of war-affected population, prevention of and response to gender-based violence, livelihood, to peacebuilding programmed with a strong focus on capacity-building.

The organization has been active in South Sudan since 2009 and supported internally displaced persons (IDPs) and the host community people in needs.

Our priority areas of work in South Sudan in recent years are: Conflict Prevention and Mitigation, Gender and Social Cohesion, through establishment of community-based Early Warning and Early Response (EWER) system as well as Awareness Raising of Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) and other types of violence.

The position is directly hired for the project “Community-Based Peacebuilding through Empowering Youths and Women in Juba”. Under the project, the Indicator Monitoring Form will be created, and the trained personnel, Data Entry Clerk, will fill out the form when responding to each identified conflict and violence in the community. In this context, the Data Entry Clerk will firstly familiarize her/himself on the project by participating the training conducted in the field, and s/he will be responsible for assisting the hard copy collection from the field, verifying data on the hard copy of the Indicator Monitoring Form, and entering verified data into database in Kobo Toolbox.
The monthly salary for this position is USD 500 subject to withholding tax.
Job Advert_ Data Entry Clerk.pdf (449.1 KB)