Data Analyzing & Visualizing with Microsoft Power BI Course

Course Date: 15th – 19th June, 2020 for 5 Days

Click to register for online training 60% of course fee or normal attendance as individual or group:

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Organizer: Foscore Development Center (


This practical five day course is designed for those who need to create business analytics using Microsoft Power BI.Power BI Desktop is part of the suite of tools from Microsoft which enable data to be analysed and published from a variety of sources. With Power BI Desktop, you get a report authoring tool that enables you to connect to and query data from different sources using the Query Editor. From the datasets, you build with Query Editor you can create Reports and Visualizations or dashboards within Power BI Desktop. Reports can then be published.By the end of the Adventure Works project, not only will you have developed an entire business intelligence tool from the ground up, but you will have gained the knowledge and confidence to apply these same concepts to your own real-world analyses.

What you’ll learn

  • Build professional-quality business intelligence reports from the ground up
  • Blend and transform raw data into beautiful interactive dashboards
  • Design and implement the same B.I. tools used by professional analysts and data scientists
  • Showcase your skills with two full-scale course projects (with step-by-step solutions)
  • Understand the business intelligence workflow from end-to-end
  • Learn from a best-selling instructor and professional BI developer


5 Days


  • Microsoft Power BI Desktop (free download)
  • This course is designed for PC/Windows users (currently not available for Mac)
  • Experience with Excel Power Query, Power Pivot & DAX is a plus, but not required

Module one: Introduction to Self-Service BI Solutions

  • Introduction to business intelligence
  • Introduction to data analysis
  • Introduction to data visualization
  • Overview of self-service BI
  • Considerations for self-service BI
  • Microsoft tools for self-service BI

Module Two: Connect & Transform the Raw Data

  • Intro to the Query Editor
  • Types of Data Connectors
  • Basic Table Transformations
  • Text, Number & Date Tools
  • Index & Conditional Columns
  • Grouping & Aggregating Data
  • Pivoting & Unpivoting
  • Modifying, Merging & Appending Queries
  • Connecting to Folders
  • Defining Hierarchies & Categories
  • Query Editing Best Practices

Module Three: Build a Relational Data Model

  • Intro to Database Normalization
  • Data (“Fact”) Tables vs. Lookup (“Dimension”) Tables
  • Creating Table Relationships
  • “Star” vs. “Snowflake” Schemas
  • Active vs. Inactive Relationships
  • Relationship Cardinality
  • Connecting Multiple Data Tables
  • Filtering & Cross-Filtering
  • Hiding Fields from Report View
  • Data Modeling best Practices

Module Four: Add Calculated Fields with DAX

  • Intro to Data Analysis Expressions (DAX)
  • Calculated Columns vs. Measures
  • Row Context vs. Filter Context
  • DAX Syntax & Operators
  • Common Function Categories
  • Basic Date & Time Formulas
  • Logical & Conditional Statements
  • Text, Math & Stats Functions
  • Joining Data with RELATED
  • DAX Iterators (SUMX, AVERAGEX)
  • Time Intelligence Formulas
  • DAX Best Practices

Module Five: Design Interactive Reports

  • Intro to the Power BI Report View
  • Adding Objects & Basic Charts
  • Formatting & Filtering Options
  • Matrix Visuals
  • Slicers & Timelines
  • Cards & KPIs
  • Map Visuals (Basic, Fill, ArcGIS)
  • Treemaps, Lines, Areas & Gauges
  • Editing Report interactions
  • Adding Drillthrough Filters
  • Linking to Report Bookmarks
  • Using “What-If” Parameters
  • Managing & Viewing Roles
  • PREVIEW: Publishing to Power BI Service
  • Data Viz Best Practices

General Notes

  • All our courses can be Tailor-made to participants needs

  • The participant must be conversant with English

  • Presentations are well guided, practical exercise, web based tutorials and group work. Our facilitators are expert with more than 10years of experience.

  • Upon completion of training the participant will be issued with Foscore development center certificate (FDC-K)

  • Training will be done at Foscore development center (FDC-K) center in Nairobi Kenya. We also offer more than five participants training at requested location within Kenya, more than ten participant within east Africa and more than twenty participant all over the world.

  • Course duration is flexible and the contents can be modified to fit any number of days.

  • The course fee includes facilitation training materials, 2 coffee breaks, buffet lunch and a Certificate of successful completion of Training. Participants will be responsible for their own travel expenses and arrangements, airport transfers, visa application dinners, health/accident insurance and other personal expenses.

  • Accommodation, pickup, freight booking and Visa processing arrangement, are done on request, at discounted prices.

  • One year free Consultation and Coaching provided after the course.

  • Register as a group of more than two and enjoy discount of (10% to 50%) plus five hour adventure drive to the National game park, in Nairobi.

  • Payment should be done two week before commence of the training, to FOSCORE DEVELOPMENT CENTER account, so as to enable us prepare better for you.

  • For any enquiry at: [email protected] or +254712260031

  • Website:

  • Click to download our brochure here

  • Click to view course content and register as individual or group using this link to receive invoice and invitation letter

  • Click to view Business and Governance courses calendar

  • Click to view All Courses calendar