Contingency Planning Course. (24th – 28th July 2017). Nairobi, Kenya

Contingency Planning Course

Contingency planning aims to prepare an organization to respond well to an emergency and its potential humanitarian impact. Developing a contingency plan involves making decisions in advance about the management of human and financial resources, coordination and communications procedures, and being aware of a range of technical and logistical responses. Such planning is a management tool, involving all sectors which can help ensure timely and effective provision of humanitarian aid to those most in need when a disaster occurs. Time spent in contingency planning equals time saved when a disaster occurs. Effective contingency planning should lead to timely and effective disaster-relief operations.
The contingency planning process can basically be broken down into three simple questions
• What is going to happen?
• What are we going to do about it?
• What can we do ahead of time to get prepared?
This training helps planners think through these questions in a systematic way. Contingency planning is most often undertaken when there is a specific threat or hazard; exactly how that threat will actually impact is unknown. Developing scenarios is a good way of thinking through the possible impacts. On the basis of sensible scenarios it is possible to develop a plan that sets out the scale of the response and the resources needed.

5 days.

Economic planners, disaster management officials and professionals, contingency planners, NGO officials.

When you complete this training, you will be able to:
• Understand the need for contingency planning
• Know the major components of contingency planning
• Create a simple set of contingency plans, using business impact analysis
• Prepare and execute a test of contingency plans
• Understand the unified contingency plan approach

How to participate
Tailor Made Training
Register Individual
Register Group
Become One of Our Partners.

View Development and Humanitarian Capacity Building Institute Course Catalogue
For further inquiries, please contact us on Tel: +254 715 077 817, +254 (020) 211 3814, +254 731240802, +254 735331020.

Dear sir/Madam

Warmest greetings!
I saw an advert on South Sudan NGO forum about a training on contingency planning that will take place on 28th June 2017 in Nairobi Kenya. I’m so much interested to attend such a vital event. I’m apparently in job as job seeker I would be delighted to such an opportunity to training with qualification I have completely my secondary school in Kenya and have completely diploma in international relations.
Yours sincerely
Makur L.Mabok

Hello Makur,
Kindly Send us your Email Address so that we can revert back with the details of the Course Cost and the place where it will be held.
