Consultant/Project Evaluator

STEWARDWOMEN is an indigenous South Sudanese women organization founded in 2009 to address the problems of sexual and gender based violence; lack of access to justice by women; lack of participation of women in leadership and decision-making and poverty among others. It is registered as a not for profit non- governmental organization with the government of South Sudan in 2009. Our vision is a South Sudanese society “free from the violations of the human rights of women and children”. And our mission is “to develop, shape and empower South Sudanese women to advocate for policies that foster equal economic opportunity and secure human rights for women and children”.

Our 2018-2020 strategic intervention areas are; 1) Access to justice; 2) Legislation and law reform; 3) Psychosocial support to GBV survivors; 4) Protection of adolescent girls; 5) Women leadership 6) Sexual and reproductive health 7) and women economic empowerment.

We are a member of the Solidarity of African Women’s Rights [SOAWRS] that campaigns for the ratification and/or domestication of the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa [Maputo protocol]. We are also the lead agency of a national coalition of 40 CSOs that advocates for the ratification of the Maputo protocol in South Sudan. Our field offices are located in Romich in Tonj East county [Tonj state) and in Nimule in Magwi county [Torit State], and a national coordination office in Juba.

We are in a search for Consultant/Project Evaluator,
Please circulate widely.

HROConsultant_End of Project Evaluator.pdf (2.8 MB)