Consultant for Project Evaluation - DanChurchAid

Dear All,

DanChurchAid is looking for a consultant to evaluate it’s Emergency Assistance Programme that has worked since 2011 to provide humanitarian support to over 500,000 people affected by conflict. This support has centred on cash transfers, seed distributions, NFI kits and support to local structures in essential service provision. DCA is always looking for ways of improving its programming. An evaluation of our activities’ environmental impact and conflict sensitivity would help us to make evidence made decisions for the coming years.

The Consultant will provide an assessment of the efficiency and relevance of the 2019 Emergency Assistance programme through the lens of: achievement of indicators at outcome level, as well as the environmental impact and conflict sensitivity of the overall programme and how this can be improved moving into the next year.

Please interested firms/candidates can send it their application through email to [email protected] with [email protected] & [email protected] in copy.
TOR for Conflict_environment_revised - EAT.pdf (90.3 KB) Request_for_Proposal_Conflict sensitivity_environmental impact_revised[3].pdf (461.9 KB)

Please note the deadline for submission of proposal is by January 20, 2020 by 5:30pm EAT.