Consultant Advert with CTSS

Request for Quotation: Consultancy Services
South Sudan Catholic Diocese of Torit
November 14, 2018
Organization Background
Caritas Torit South Sudan (CTSS) is a social development wing of the Catholic Diocese of
Torit (CDoT); created formally in 2013 with registration number 1107 and 804 to manage
social development programs in the Diocese with its headquarters situated in Torit. It has
been formed from Archdiocese of Juba in 1983. Originally, this development wing has been
since the time ofthe apostles, and then the disciples.
Caritas Torit South Sudan does collaborate with partners in health (MISEREORlKZE;
Fondation Caritas "Luxembourg (FCL); Health Pooled Fund2/cordaid, Health Link SS),
education (Stromme, AES: Alternative education system via EU), WASH (FCL), food
security (FCL), emergency (FCL, Caritas South Sudan; women empowerment, community
empowerment, capacity building for non-state actors. Overall Coordination of these activities
is done from Torit under the leadership of the Managing Director. In health, Caritas Torit
South Sudan offers primary health care services in two hospitals, 3 PHCCs and 1 Emergency Health post in Melijo.
The organization is calling for consultancy services from competent and reputable individual
or firm.
Objective of the assignment
To train 6 hospital staffs with basic knowledge and skills in operating an ultrasound machine
for routine/emergency obstetric scanning, basic lump/abdomino-pelvic sonography and Fast
Abdominal Scan in Trauma (FAST), hence improving the quality of care at St. Theresa Mission Hospital Particularly for pregnant women and emergency cases.
Targeted participants
This training will be for all key project staffs, close to 6 participants will be attending the training.
These comprises of Medical Doctor (2), Diploma midwife (2), Clinical officer (2).
The training is for 30 days (November 22nd, 2018 to December 23rd, 2018) and will be conducted in Isohe by successful consultant who meets selection criteria set by the organization.
Specific task & responsibilities

  • Prepare& submit a detailed work plan/time table for the training to Health Program Coordinator.
  • Outline clearly training methodologies that would be applicable or he/she intends to use during this training.
  • Responsible to control & manage the participants during the stipulated periods.
  • To request training materials he/she may need from Help management for the training.
    Deliverables/expected output from the consultant
  • Training guide/modules.
  • Detailed training report.
    Consultancy nature of work
  • It’s part of the proposal for the consultant to indicate.
  • His/her daily rate in USD including travel expenses.
  • Number of days (if h/s may not be comfortable with the above time line).
  • Availability for the job.
    Qualifications/special skills or knowledge required
  • The consultant should have a degree in Radiology.
  • A minimum of 5 years professional experience specifically in East African region and or South Sudan.
  • Substantive & in depth knowledge as well as experience in training and presentations in big institutions like government, companies, NGOs, UN agencies, etc.
  • Proven ability to write & present complex but important project components to non-technical
  • audience in simplified English for easy understanding.
    Application process
    Interested individuals or firms are invited to apply & to submit the following document Detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) in English only
    Comprehensive training guide or modules (in other words a proposal)Please submit the above package electronically to e-mail: [email protected] and copy to: [email protected] not late than 21/1112018.
    Or Hand delivery to: Procurement & Logistic Office, Caritas Torit South Sudan ,Hai Mission, Hatire Road, Torit, State South Sudan.
    All communication & queries related to this call can be only addressed via the above e-mails
    addresses. Gentle reminder! No phone calls.
    Any document submitted after the deadline will not be considered.