Consultancy for Baseline for Amref Health Africa in South Sudan Strategy 2023 – 2030


Amref Health Africa in South Sudan (hereinafter “Amref South Sudan”) is a registered International non-government not-for-profit organization (INGO). Amref South Sudan has operated in the country since 1972 and supports health development interventions in all ten states of South Sudan. Currently, Amref has physical field offices in 6 states, namely, Warrap (Tonj East and South, Western Bahr el Ghazal (Wau), Eastern (Kapoeta), Central (Juba) and Western Equatoria (Yambio, Maridi, Ibba and Mundri).

Following the development and approval of the Amref Health Africa global corporate Strategy 2023-2030, Amref South Sudan has developed a two-year (2023-2024) country work plan to operationalize the corporate strategy; reinforcing the focus of Amref in South Sudan not only from one primarily driven by health sector needs and gaps including the humanitarian crisis, but also one grounded on addressing the social determinants of health. The country’s work plan aligns with the twin corporate strategic platforms anchored on ten strategic objectives and transformational enablers. The two strategic platforms include;

Strategic Platform 1 : Invest in people-centred health systems for sustainable primary health care (the five strategic objectives related to this focus on access and coverage, health worker capacities, health financing, Civil Society Organizations (CSO) and social accountability and innovations.

Strategic Platform 2 : Target social determinants and emerging threats at the intersection with health to increase equitable access. The five strategic objectives focus on education, women and livelihoods, climate change, public health emergency responses, and youth and urbanization.

The above paradigm shift reinforces the need to expand and explore new opportunities programmatically and operationally to deliver impact and lasting health change in the Republic of South Sudan. Amref South Sudan Country Work Plan (CWP) is aligned to priorities 1,2,3,4 and 5 of the South Sudan Health Sector Strategic Plan 2023-2027, the National Health Policy 2016 – 2026, Global Nutrition Target 2025, Kigali Declaration on Neglected Tropical Diseases 2022, Nutrition for Growth (N4G), UHC 2030, SDGs 2030 and the Amref Global Corporate Strategy 2023- 2030 and as its PMF draws directly from a basket of indicators which were derived from the eight frameworks. Further, goals 1, 2, 3 and 6 of the Amref global corporate strategy are strongly reflected in the CWP, therefore making it a tool to aid the Amref South Sudan team in the realization of commitments and targets across the several reporting frameworks.

Given the context above and to monitor and assess the progress and effectiveness of the global strategy and Amref South Sudan CWP during implementation, a baseline survey needs to be done with accountability purposes to monitor the strategy delivery against set targets. The baseline survey will focus on baseline data collection for a set of indicators outlined in both the corporate strategy and CWP MEL result frameworks. The baseline results will be used as a benchmark to monitor the project’s strategy implementation.

Application Process

Technical and Financial proposals should be submitted on or before the close of business on Tuesday, 14th November 2023, through [email protected]. Please note that applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

Download the TOR below for more details:
TOR_Baselin_Amref_SSD-Draft0_27.10.2023_FINAL.pdf (486.9 KB)

Good Luck