Conflict Management Workshop from 6th to 10th November 2017

Conflict Management Training Workshop from 6th to 10th November 2017

Conflict Management Course Overview

Every person faces conflict. There are positive and negative outcomes to conflict. What makes conflict negative or positive is the way in which it is handled. Conflict is an inevitable and necessary feature of domestic and international relations. The challenge facing governments and other groups all over the world is not the elimination of conflict, but rather, how to effectively address conflict when it arises. Conflict can be managed negatively through avoidance at one extreme and the use or threat of force at the other. Alternatively, conflict can be managed positively through negotiation, joint problem-solving and consensus-building. These options help build and sustain constructive bilateral and multi-lateral relations.

We have all learned responses to confrontation, threats, anger and unfair treatment. Some of our learned responses are constructive, but others can escalate conflict and raise
the level of danger. How we choose to handle a confrontation is largely based upon our past experience in dealing with conflict and our confidence in addressing it. One can start
to change destructive responses to conflict by learning to assess the total impact of negative responses and acquiring confidence in using the tools and techniques of professional peacemakers.

Constructive conflict management is as much a science as an art. It is based on a substantial body of theory, skills and techniques developed from decades of experience in
international peacekeeping, peacemaking and peace building. Acquiring a better understanding of the conceptual tools and skills professional conflict managers use can
help us gain confidence in addressing conflict in a manner which resolves the issues and maintains or even strengthens relationships. While we may not all go on to become
professional peacemakers, these skills and knowledge can help us in any social setting. vThese tools can help for example, government officials, address disputes more quickly and effectively, preventing them from growing into domestic or international crises.v We all know how destructive conflict can be. Whether from personal experience or media
accounts, we can all note examples of the negative aspects of conflict. On the other hand, conflict can have a positive side, one that builds relationships, creates coalitions, fosters communication, strengthens institutions, and creates new ideas, rules and laws. These are the functions of conflict. Our understanding of how conflict can benefit us, is an important part of the foundation of constructive conflict management. Conflict transformation goes beyond merely seeking to contain and manage conflict, instead seeking to transform the root causes themselves – or the perceptions of the root causes – of a particular conflict;

This course teaches participants how to manage conflict while working collaboratively toward a win/win resolution for the effected parties.

Course Objectives
• Define conflict.
• Identify assumptions of conflict.
• Recognize the five styles of conflict resolution and the benefits and pitfalls of each style.
• Demonstrate the important role Communication plays in conflict prevention and management
• Understand the principles of negotiation, mediation, and advocacy
• Select and apply negotiation, mediation, and advocacy skills in a variety of social work contexts,
• Discuss the effect that power has on conflict resolution.
• Implement a strategy for continuous conflict prevention and management.
5 days
Targeted participants
Development professionals with experience or interest in peace building and conflict prevention and management issues.

Course content

Course fees
USD 1000/=

Venue: Meridian Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya

Date: 6th to 10th November 2017

The fees will cater for tuition, writing materials, lunch and tea break snacks and a certificate. Participants will be expected to take care of their travel expenses, accommodation and any other out of pocket expenses. Accommodation can be reserved on prior arrangement.
Mode of payment
Payment shall be made through electronic fund transfer to AIPMS bank account 5 days prior to the commencement of the course.
For more information and the registration processes , please contact us on:
Telephone: +254-727-616-783/ 733-846-186