Coalition for Humanity-Request for Quotation for Various Lots

Coalition for Humanity (CH) is a Not-for-Profit organization, committed to finding lasting solutions to humanitarian and development challenges facing the people of South Sudan. The organization focuses on Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL), Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Gender Based Violence (GBV), General Protection (GP), Health and Nutrition. Coalition for Humanity has experience in integrating projects and forming a nexus across sectors in order to leverage on resources. We consider Protection/GBV, Housing, Land and Property rights (HLP) governance, peacebuilding and conflict transformation as cross cutting issues. We have successfully integrated these in WASH, FSL, Non-food items, Health and Nutrition

CH has its headquarters in Juba, with presence in Leer, Panyijiar, Mayendit, Koch, Mayom and Rubkona counties in Unity State, Maiwut Renk and Longechuk in Upper Nile state, Juba County in Central Equatoria, Ruweng Administrative Area and Aweil West in Northern Bahr El Ghazal.CH is also presence in Greater Pibor Administrative with physical office in Pochalla County. The organization’s ultimate goal is to reach out to people across the entire South Sudan.

Our Mission

CH mission is to save lives, alleviate suffering, built resilience of the vulnerable people, through our programmes in Governance, Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation, Protection/GBV, WASH, Food Security and Livelihoods, Health and Nutrition programs and our strategies like community capacity building, Social Behaviour Change Communication, market linkages, advocacy and governance to enhance contextualized innovative solutions for service delivery in Emergency Response and Sustainable development in South Sudan.

Coalition for Humanity (CH) in partnership with Christian Aid South Sudan (CASS) is implementing a 5-year programme titled: Irish Aid Chronic Crisis Stream Programme in Aweil West County, Northern Bhar El Ghazal. The project is funded by Irish Aid.

Coalition for Humanity Seeks for Quotation from Credible suppliers for the following items in the attach

Request for Quotation for Different Lots.pdf (1.3 MB)

Important terms and conditions.

Price offer Currency -USD and Mode of payment

The per-qualified/eligible suppliers acknowledge RFQ by (sign/stamped/date) on the second copy from the supplier.

Delivery time frame and location of delivery: We prefer delivery done to Aweil West County but should you wish to quote for items and delivery option is Juba, please indicate the number of days you require for either delivery to Juba or Aweil West. (Preference shall be given to supplier delivering to Aweil West)

Seed certification: The supplier should attach a certificate proving that it has been prequalified by the Ministry of Agriculture and food security in South Sudan and provides certified seeds.

Validity of the offer should be minimum of 60 Days

Payment shall be within 30 working days after receipt of goods and invoice, by cheque or transfer.

subject to VAT; therefore, all offers should be exclusive of VAT costs.

Clarifications about this RFQS

Any request for clarification must be made in writing through the following emails:

1-[email protected]

Vendors can request for clarifications about this RFQ through the email address above until 4th March, 2024.

The deadline for submission of the offers is 15th, March 2024, at 4:00 pm Local Time. Late submission will not be accepted.