Coalition for Humanity CH-Request for Quotation

Coalition for Humanity seeks Quotations from credible suppliers for the following items;

  1. Canon Camera with attached specification RFQ -Camera.pdf (731.7 KB)
  2. PSS Materials with the attached List RFQ-PSS-Materials.pdf (399.8 KB)
  3. Toners with the attached Specification RFQ-Printer Toners.pdf (217.8 KB)
  4. Charter Flight (Cargo) Juba to Pochalla RFQ-Charter Flight-Cargo to Pochalla.pdf (204.4 KB)
  5. Office furniture as per the attached RFQ RFQ-Office Furniture.pdf (270.9 KB)
  6. Solar system Aweil West County RFQ-Solar System.pdf (299.6 KB)
  7. Motorbike Honda RFQ-Honda Motorbike.pdf (209.7 KB)
  8. Solar System Pochalla County RFQ Solar System Pochalla.pdf (304.2 KB)

Please submit all your Quotation through Email at; [email protected]
