CMD - Invitation for Consultancy services - Development of Training manual (FICREP)

Christian Mission for Development (CMD) is a registered South Sudanese non-profit relief and development organization, working in collaboration with UN Agencies, International Organizations, churches and community-based organizations in South Sudan founded in 2005 following the signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement – CPA.

CMD is currently implementing “Fisher Community Resilience Enhancement Project”- FICREP with a goal of contributing to food and nutrition security through a coordinated, conflict sensitive and environmentally sustainable approach that enhance fishery resource management, optimize value chains, and improve supply and access to quality fish products in Bor County.

CMD is seeking to recruit an experienced consultant in the field of Fish Production Management to develop a tailor-made training manual to be adapted in training 300 fisher folks (men and women) working in 10 organized informal groups.

Additional details to this all are captured here…
Terms of Reference for development of training manual (FICREP) 24.5.2022.pdf (405.0 KB)