Call for Proposal-Website Upgrade (Christian Aid)


The South Sudan Council of Churches is an ecumenical body comprised of seven member churches and associate churches in South Sudan with a strong legacy of peace building, reconciliation and advocacy. The SSCC provides a platform to enhance the spirit of ecumenical cooperation towards collective action for peace. Reconciliation, healing and peace building are at the core of what the SSCC stands for, building on the instrumental role of the churches throughout years of war, for example as the architects of the ‘people to people’ peace process in Sudan. Through its regional offices, community-level (Inter-Church Committees) and the hundreds of local churches within its membership, the South Sudan Council of Churches reaches millions of South Sudanese; an unequalled network of people devoted to peace.

The Action Plan for Peace is a home-grown and church-led strategy for peace and reconciliation, comprehensively addressing the root causes and long-term effects of conflict. The APP identifies four areas of action (Advocacy, Neutral Forums, Reconciliation and Institutional capacity strengthening) that combines facilitating dialogue, two-way advocacy, and reconciliation to contribute to sustainable long-term peace in South Sudan. Formally launched in August 2015, it signifies an approach to ending violence in South Sudan which builds on grassroots engagement and decades of experience.

The aim of the South Sudan Council of Churches website is to enable visitors to learn more about the South Sudan Council of Churches and the Action Plan for Peace, and to access news and statements.

For more info, refer to the attached. SOUTH SUDAN COUNCIL OF CHURCHES Website upgrade specification 270818.pdf (720.9 KB)