Call for Proposal: Independent External Audit for the project “RMAHCA”

“Project description”

The project “RESILIENT MIGRANT AND HOST COMMUNITIES IN AFRICA (RMAHCA) - Improving health and nutrition situation of South Sudanese refugees/ IDPs and hosting community in Adjumani (UG) and South Sudan (SSD)” is a joint project between Gesundes Afrika (previously Amref Germany) and local implementing partners Amref Uganda and Amref South Sudan. The project was a cross-country
approach: Amref Uganda oversaw the activities in Adjumani and Amref South Sudan in Western Equatoria.

The objective of the project was to strengthen the capacity and resilience of small-scale farmers, in particular women and youth groups to improve the nutrition and health situation for South Sudanese refugees and host communities in Adjumani (UG) and the conflict-affected population in Maridi and Ibba (SSD). Sub objectives were:

  • Strengthening agricultural skills and capacity for diversified food production and (child) nutrition practice of women, youth groups, and farmers to improve their nutrition situation and livelihood
  • Improving the WASH situation and increase access to and demand for health services in the targeted communities
  • Enhanced capacities of refugees and host communities for peace-building, conflict resolution, and community reconciliation in Northern Uganda

“Application process”

Please submit the following documents with “Final Audit – BMZ RMAHCA Project” to
[email protected] until July 19th.

  • Proposal explaining competencies, audit methodology, work plan and brief profile of audit team
  • Financial proposal in EUR
  • Current qualification certificate as an independent auditing authority
  • Reference list of three previous customers
    ToR audit RMAHCA- Advertisement.pdf (176.3 KB)

Thanks and Good Luck