Call for pre-qualification of construction firms/companies

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded Resilience through Agriculture in South Sudan (RASS) Activity is a four-year (2021-2025) program led by DAI and its sub-contractors: CARE International (CARE), International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC), and the Waterfield Design Group, Inc. (WDG).

The overall purpose of the RASS Activity is to reduce long-term reliance on humanitarian assistance (HA) by improving food security, community resilience, and household recovery in 13 priority counties, targeting at least 22,500 program participants across seven states in South Sudan. RASS employs a resilience pathways approach to improve the effectiveness of local systems and strengthen the capacities of community groups.

Therefore, in part fulfillment of objective 3, RASS intends to strengthen community institutions’ ability to identify and prioritize assets for refurbishment or construction, such as slaughterhouses, storage facilities, fish markets, market stalls, boreholes, and livestock drinking troughs, and others, to expand livelihood opportunities and safeguard them from shocks and stresses.

It is on this basis that DAI seeks to prequalify competent construction firms to carry out construction works in the below mentioned five (5) Counties in phase.

The infrastructure construction works will be carried out in phases, and in the first phase, RASS will carry out small scale construction works in five (Counties) of Wau and Jur River Counties of Western Bahr el Gazal State, Budi and Kapoeta South Counties of Eastern Equatoria State and Akobo East County of Jonglei State.

If your company is not available to work in some of the targeted counties, please indicate which ones; otherwise, please confirm your company is able and willing to carry out work in all targeted counties. Interested companies are therefore invited to submit prequalification applications to construct small structures and other construction works, following the requirements in this RFP.
RASS- INF-RFP-2023-001 # Pre-Qualifications of Construction Firms_Companies 2023_final.pdf (261.2 KB)