Call for Expression of Interest for Tender Supply of fuel Under a framework Contract

Healthcare Foundation Organization (HFO) is a registered non-profit, non-governmental, multi-sectoral relief and development organization dedicated to fighting poverty and injustices; and to enhance provision of holistic social services to reduce human suffering. HFO was established in 2015 to equip people with skills and to facilitate relief and development assistance to communities in need with special focus on women, children and youth initiatives.

1.Call for expression of interest for tender Supply of fuel under a framework Contract No. 0102023

The open tender is run from the HFO Coordination Office is calling upon eligible and locally registered Fuel supplying companies with vivid experience in fuel supply to submit their expression of interest for the Supply of fuel under a framework Contract No. 0102023

The detailed tender documents should be requested from the email below:
doc02156820230619140502.pdf (392.6 KB)
[email protected] copy [email protected] /+211916652381 for more Info.

Please indicate “Supply of fuel under a framework Contract No. 0102023” in the subject of your email. HFO shall then send you the complete set of tender documents after the deadline for submission of the expression of interest.

Deadline for submission of expression of interest

Monday 10th July 2023, at 3:00 PM Juba local time.