Call For Expression Of Interest For Partnership

GOAL has been operational in South Sudan since 1985, and is currently implementing projects in Health, Nutrition, WASH, Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) sectors with funding from ECHO, Irish Aid, UNICEF, WFP, Electric Aid, Bank of Ireland, and USAID’s MOMENTUM project with IMA. Like the rest of the organizations, GOAL South Sudan’s strategy is to work with and support conflict-affected communities to withstand the stresses and shocks they experience in the operating environment regarding crisis associated with climate change, conflict, perennial annual flooding, economic decline, Covid-19, and to build and improve on longer-term coping strategies that are resilient, robust, and sustainable. As an approach, GOAL in South Sudan also collaborates and works with peer national and international organizations as partners and for the past years.
This call for expression of interest is seeking to compile a comprehensive database of prequalified local and national partners with all the necessary requirements as per GOAL criteria. It is expected that this will reduce the rigorous processes in partnership identification, selection, and onboarding. The pre-selected NNGOs, Local organization, civil society organization and private sector entities (social enterprises) will work with GOAL South Sudan in project conceptualization, design, development, and implementation which will follow through the project cycle should the projects get funded. For application procedures, see attached the word and PDF version.
GOAL South Sudan Expression of Interest_Partners.pdf (161.9 KB)