South Sudan
Terms of Reference
For the selection of Customs Clearance Agent(s) for World Vision South Sudan for the period July 2017 –June 2018
I. Background:
World Vision in South Sudan plans to negotiate contract(s) for one year period (1st July 2017 to 30 June 2018) with a provision to extend up to three years with a Customs Clearance Company duly registered in the Republic of South Sudan.
II. Objective:
Contract(s) with qualified Customs Clearing Agent(s) would cover the provision of Point of Entry Clearance as follows: Juba, Kaya and Nimule and any other entry point as designated by the Government of South Sudan.
Customs and Clearing Services shall include, but not limited to:
- Freight forwarding and related services from the point of entry in South Sudan to the point to World Vision South Sudan warehouse in Juba.
- Expedite the processing of Tax exemption approval.
- Advise of the latest Import legislation promulgations.
IV. Services to be furnished by the Customs Clearing Agent(s):
The Customs Clearing Agent(s) contracted will provide a wide range of clearance services and should have the capacity to handle commercial accounts.
The World Vision South Sudan requires the Customs Clearance agent(s) in all cases to share the schedule of fees and make use of the legislation to best advantage of World Vision South as a Non-Governmental Organisation.
The Customs Clearance agent(s) must be knowledgeable of and be able to clear cargo using the approved rates and procedure.
A. General -
The Customs Clearance agent(s) should provide customs clearance services (Imbedded Person) from 8.00 am to 5.00 p.m E.A.T during working days. In addition Customs Clearance agent(s) shall provide for services during weekends and official holidays where emergency clearance service is required.
One of the Customs Clearing Agent(s)’s employees shall always be reachable by phone.
World Vision will furnish the Clearing agent with sufficient information ahead of the arrival of the cargo as detailed below.
B: Port of Entry Clearance
The Service Provider is required to meet the following requirements:
i. Shall be responsible for the receipt, storage, handling and customs clearance of shipments at the points of entry, ensuring that cargo is cleared correctly and in a timely manner while avoiding any actions that may result in potential delays or increased costs;
ii. Additional ports of entry may be added during the course of this contract
i. Juba International Airports in South Sudan.
ii. Nimule and Kaya ports of entry and any other as promulgated in South Sudan;
iii. For each shipment, World Vision South Sudan shall provide shipping documents giving a description, copy of the Purchase Order (PO) and relevant supporting documentation for customs compliance, such as invoices, packing lists, certificates of origin, bills of lading, air waybills, duty and tax exemption certificates, the name and address of the recipient, terms of delivery, and method of transport (road, rail, sea and air), shipping marks, special handling instructions and other pertinent details;
iv. Omission of any of the foregoing information shall not diminish the Service provider’s responsibilities under this Contract;
v. The shipping documents shall indicate the expected location and delivery date allowing for coordination of the delivery of goods (if needed) upon receipt of documents;
vi. Shall prepare all necessary customs documentation based on World Vision South Sudan standard instructions, particulars in the shipping documents and all laws and regulations as dictated by the nature of the goods;
vii. Must perform all coordination duties necessary in connection with customs clearance and the handling and movement of cargo between the port, customs representatives, World Vision South Sudan representative, and air/sea freight operational units;
viii. Shall ensure that the number of pieces, dimensions of each piece, the description of items, the packing and the gross weight and markings are in accordance with the information contained in the shipping documents submitted by World Vision South Sudan;
ix. As soon as goods is received at the hub/island warehouse on behalf of World Vision South Sudan, issue a signed Goods Receiving Note (GRN) indicating the date, the PO number or request number, the bill of lading/waybill number, the date goods were received, the number of pieces, goods volume and weight, a description of the goods, name of the supplier, supplier’s invoice number, currency and amount, point of origin (delivery point or port of loading) and the port of discharge, and submit the arrival notice to the recipient and/or World Vision South Sudan;
x. World Vision South Sudan may request shipments to be cleared within (3-5) calendar days of arrival;
xi. If any loss, shortage, damage or deterioration of the goods is found or detected, World Vision South Sudan will take delivery of the said goods only after obtaining required certificate/report from the concerned authorities and inform World Vision South Sudan in the matter forthwith;
xii. Be fully responsible for proper and safe handling, carrying and storage of the goods and shall keep safe custody of the same on behalf of the World Vision South Sudan till the cargo is delivered to World Vision South Sudan warehouse in Juba.
C. Invoice and Cargo Delivery
The Customs Clearance agent(s) shall utilize the legislation whereby World Vision South Sudan as an NGO would not pay Import tax as far as the Tax exemption approvals are granted. World Vision would pay other statutory fees as promulgated from time by the Government of South Sudan. These rates are supported by proof of payment through a Government of South Sudan receipt.
The clearing agent shall invoice their services in line with pre agreed rates deliver invoices based upon proper authority from World Vision South Sudan in case of official travel, itineraries and other travel documents as determined necessary by World Vision South Sudan.
The Customs Clearance agent(s) shall deliver the cargo, delivery note, and invoice and accompanied by original clearing documents to World Vision South Sudan during business hours.
D. Management Reports
- The Customs Clearance agent(s)shall provide World Vision South Sudan with management information reports consisting, at a minimum, of the following:
a.) A concise quarterly narrative (not more than one page) of the Customs Clearing Agent(s)’s activities, which shall be submitted to the World Vision South Sudan within 15 calendar days after the end of the quarter. This report should identify problems, if any, and recommend solutions. Suggestions to enhance service should be included;
b.) A quarterly summary (including year to date cumulative figures) of Customs Clearance activity data, which shall be submitted to World Vision South Sudan within 15 days of the end of the quarter. This summary shall reflect all official clearing activities per transaction. This report should also show a detailed analysis of the number of clearance transactions.
E. Payment
The Customs Clearance agent(s) shall process invoices for payment on the 30th day of every month. The Travel Agent (s) shall attach the approved travel requests to respective tickets for invoicing.
The travel Agent shall explicitly indicate the commission payable for every ticket issued.
World Vision South Sudan shall process payment within 30days of having received the invoice.
World Vision shall be fully reimbursed at all times by the Customs Clearance agent(s) for partly or fully unused tickets subject to applicable regulations.
F. Service Standards
- The Customs Clearance agent(s) shall provide polite, responsive and efficient service at all times to fulfill the World Vision South Sudan requirements. As a service objective, telephone calls should be answered promptly. When it is necessary to place calls on hold, they should not be kept on hold form more than a few minutes and callback, when necessary, should be made within one hour.
G. Performance Evaluation and Review
The Customs Clearance agent(s)shall meet periodically with the World Vision South Sudan to discuss issues of mutual concern, to review the Customs Clearing Agent(s)’s performance and to discuss improvements which the Customs Clearance agent(s)or the World Vision South Sudan make in order to achieve more effective customs clearance management and greater savings.
The Customs Clearance agent(s) shall arrange meetings twice a year to discuss clearing updates and other matters with World Vision South Sudan.
The Customs Clearance agent(s) shall make the World Vision South Sudan aware immediately of major industry changes, which have a broad impact on its procedures.
H. Customs Clearing Agent(s)’s Quality Control
The Customs Clearance agent(s) shall establish and operate to monitor on a regular and continual basis the quality of customs clearing services provided to World Vision South Sudan. These procedures shall include a self-inspection system covering all the services to be performed under the Contract and shall include a method for monitoring, identifying and correcting deficiencies in the quality of service furnished to World Vision South Sudan. World Vision South Sudan shall be notified of any deficiencies found and corrective action taken; such actions shall be included in the Customs Clearing Agent(s)’s narrative report required under Section “D “above.
World Vision South Sudan reserves the right to conduct their own quality control surveys among frequent travelers.
The Customs Clearance agent(s) warrants that the personnel assigned to handle World Vision South Sudan Customs Clearance arrangements shall have a strong Customs Clearance tariffs and procedures experience and shall constantly be trained to be kept up to date.
I. Personnel Requirements
The Customs Clearance agent(s) shall assign adequate personnel to service satisfactorily the volume of work and to fulfill its obligations under the Contract with World Vision South Sudan. In general the Customs Clearance agent(s) shall assign the relevant personnel according to their technical know-how and reliability.
The Customs Clearance agent(s) shall assign a senior representative experienced in providing customs clearance services to oversee the clearance services provided to World Vision South Sudan and to ensure full compliance with all requirements of the Contract with World Vision South Sudan.
The Customs Clearance Agent(s)’s employees shall perform their functions in a highly efficient and professional manner.
J. Duration
- The Contract(s) shall be for up to three years unless terminated earlier, renewed on a yearly basis.
- Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, World Vision South Sudan reserve the right to terminate the contract at any time:
a.) On three months’ notice in the event of change of controlling ownership of the Travel Agency or in the event the Travel Agency fails to maintain the performance and service standards set forth in the contract; or
b.) Immediately in the event of the Customs Clearance agent(s) entering into liquidation, whether compulsory or voluntary, or enters into receivership or bankruptcy, or defaults on its registration regulator of the Customs clearance agencies in South Sudan.
V. Qualifications of the successful Customs Clearance agent(s)
The Service Provider is required to meet the following requirements:
i. Have sufficient capacity to cover the required services; e.g. extensive ground existence at all ports of entry.
ii. Be knowledgeable and familiar with relevant customs regulations, especially those applicable to Humanitarian Aid and International Organizations;
iii. Must demonstrate sound financial stability;
iv. Have membership in a relevant national or international association of Freight Forwarders/ Logistics Service Providers;
v. Must provide valid company registration certificates and Tax clearance certificates.
vi. Must hold an official authority permits for Customs Clearance and Transport Services necessary for performing the services under this Contract;
vii. Must remain on call at any time required and provide one or more points of contact with which to initiate urgent requests;
viii. Provide evidence of managing a comparable international organization to that of the UN or INGO, including a description of the services rendered and the management plan implemented.
How to apply:
Interested and eligible bidders are invited to send the following documents by email to Bids close on the 9th of June, 2017 at 5 pm (East African Time). Please quote ‘Customs Clearing Agent’ in all your correspondences.