Call for Consultant for Project Evaluation

Dear All,

DanChurchAid (DCA) is looking for a Consultant to evaluate its Danida Humanitarian Frame 2020.

DCA is a decentralised Danish NGO, which primarily works with both national and international NGO partners and a member of international networks / alliances including churches.

The aim of the independent evaluation of the Danida Humanitarian Frame 2020 implemented across three states of South Sudan (Eastern Equatoria, Upper Nile and Jonglei state) is to is to demonstrate how the project achieved its intended objectives and determine what changes it brought to the target communities.

The specific objectives of this evaluation are to:**

  1. Assess the extent to which the project achieved its objectives with special emphasis on the outcomes and impact including most significant changes attributable to the project.

  2. Assess the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency of the project strategy with special emphasis on:
    · Community needs at the time of project identification
    · Results as articulated in the project log frame
    · Cross cutting issues of Gender, Rights Based Approach,
    · LGAs, community structures capacity building and its relevance to project implementation.
    · The external environment (context) within which the project was operational and its influence on project successes and/or failures.

  3. Assess the processes of beneficiary engagement against best practices in the project

  4. Assess project efficiency in utilisation of mobilised and committed resources during the implementation and procurement of project inputs.

  5. Determine the synergies of this project with other Partner implemented projects in the same geographic area and coordination with other actors and make recommendation aimed at achieving greater synergies in future programming.

  6. Establish the level of project results sustainability with various stakeholders (beneficiary, community, LGAs and other actors) with focus on innovation and best practice.

  7. Assess the effectiveness and efficiency of the project monitoring and evaluation, focusing on DCA and partner monitoring tools and how these could be strengthened in future projects.

  8. Establish the level of networking and/or coordination achieved by the project with its stakeholders.

  9. Assess the cost effectiveness of delivering humanitarian assistance through cash and market-based programming compared to in kind assistance.

  10. Assess the contribution of the project to Local Market functionality.

  11. Assess number of indirect beneficiaries reached by the project and impact on the indirect beneficiaries

  12. Assess the functionality of the complaints handling mechanisms that were put in place and how effective the mechanisms were during the project.

Consultant Experience:
The consultant should meet the following criteria:

. Higher university degree in relevant field with over 12 years’ experience in food security and livelihoods programming in fragile countries.
. Knowledge on community vulnerability; Disaster Risk Reduction, humanitarian aid CHS; NEXUS; Rights Based approach and participatory approaches.
. Strong understanding of South Sudan context (specifically the context Greater Equatoria, Greater Upper Nile and Jonglei States), policy and advocacy work.
. Excellent written English;
. Knowledge of local languages is an added asset.
. Previous experience of evaluating cash and market-based programmes in the context of South Sudan will be an added advantage.
. A Covid 19 mitigation plan is expected to be included in the proposal. The evaluation is expected to include substantial field work. Qualified South Sudanese staff or a partnership with a South Sudanese evaluator is an added advantage.


The consultant is expected to submit the following:

. Brief explanation about the consultant(s) with emphasis on previous experience in similar work
. Profile of the consultant(s) to be involved in undertaking the consultancy.
. Proposal for undertaking this assignment as detailed in the TOR
. Financial proposal including cost estimates for services rendered including daily consultancy fees.

The above can be submitted via the DCA website not later than the 27th of November 2020.