Call for Consultancy: Payam Level Association (PLA) Operation and Training Manual

Near East Foundation, South Sudan

Consultancy: Payam Level Association (PLA) Operation and Training Manual
Contract type: Consultancy
Duration of Consultancy: 45 Days
Location: Juba, None Office Desk

Terms of Reference

Organizational Background

The Near East Foundation (NEF) is a non-profit international development organization that has supported livelihoods recovery and community-based economic development in the Middle East, Africa, and Caucasus since 1915. NEF draws on local teams, experience, and partnerships in these regions to create community-led solutions to reduce poverty, create economic opportunity, and empower conflict and crisis-affected groups to improve their future outlook and wellbeing. Our programs are organized around three pillars: Inclusive Economic Development, Climate-resilient Development, and Stabilization and Peacebuilding.

Background of the Assignment

The Near East Foundation (NEF) in partnership with Center for Emergency & Development Support (CEDS) through the Advancing Self-Reliance amongst Displacement-affected persons (ASRD) project has formed 6 Community Associations locally referred to as Payam Level Association (PLA) in Aweil East in NBeG, Twic in Warrap and Panriang in Ruweng Administrative Area (AAA). As part of the Resilience & Recovery for Crisis-Impacted Communities in South Sudan (R&R Project) there are more prospects of creating other PLAs in Rumbek Center and other future project locations.

The PLA module is pioneered by NEF as a strong and accountable vehicle for project delivery through which community needs are identified and prioritized, beneficiary selection and support in the delivery of livelihood loans and grants are done. In these locations the PLAs have been supported to register, open accounts and other various capacity building interventions such as trainings, mentorship, linkages and office set up

Tasks of the Consultant (The Deliverables)

  • Provide literature on existing community-based modules on value chain, small business enterprise, entrepreneurship and social development perspectives by undertaking on desk reviews and delving in-depth understanding of the project materials, concept, theory of change and outcomes to guide the development of the PLA Model.
  • Clearly define the processes, procedures and steps of selecting PLA, Master Trainers (MTs) and Senior Field Coachers (SFCs).
  • Develop and design a Trainers’ Training Guide (A concise trainer’s guide to organizing, delivering and reporting an adult training).
  • Develop and design the PLA formation and operations manual including, defining the structure, function, roles and qualifications of the PLA members.
  • Develop and design a concise manual on Business Skills/Entrepreneurship Training. This will include ideas on social enterprises/innovations that can be undertaken by the PLA.
  • Develop and design a manual on Village Savings & Loans Association and
  • Develop and design a concise manual on Agronomy, Pest Management and Post-Harvest Handling.

The deliverables

The consultant is required to produce the following documents during his/her consultancy tenure with the NEF South Sudan.

  1. Training of Trainers (ToT) Guide on Adult Learning: a basic guide that helps the rural cooperatives and VSLAs read and enumerate simple mathematic and cash calculations.
  2. The Payam level Associations (PLA) Manual: this manual will describe what is meant by PLA, structure, responsibilities, functions, operations and enterprises development strategy outline.
  3. Business Skills and Entrepreneurship Training Manual: this manual will provide detailed business and entrepreneurship development techniques, business and financial management, business risks and mitigations, plan, saving and skills.
  4. Village Saving and Lending Associations (VSLAs) Trainings Manual: a manual which will simplify training and skills transfer to NE supported VSLAs. The manual should be informed by the existing tools and manuals community saving associations.
  5. Agriculture Trainings: this manual provides emphasis on faming techniques, agronomy, pest management and post-harvest handling, soil, seeds selection, climate resilience crops and vegetables.
    • An experience in developing and designing adult learning materials and business development frameworks (manuals). Share a copy as evidence.
    • Degree in a relevant field such as Agribusiness, Agriculture/Crop Production, Social Sciences, Business Management, Rural Denvelopment or related field
    • A strong understanding of the local context and operations of community associations such as VSLA, SACCO, Farmers Groups, Women Groups etc.
    How to apply

Prospective consultant can share CV with at least a 2-page concept note on how to approach the tasks, including a work plan based on the above stated number of days and cost/professional fees for the assignment via [email protected]. Recommendations & evidence of previous manual developed can be annexed to the concept note. The closing date for submission is Friday, May 17, 2024.

NEF - TOR-Consultancy for PLA Manual Development.pdf (134.6 KB)