Call for Concept Notes for Infrastructure Projects and Accompanying Measures in Nimule (South Sudan) and Elegu (Uganda)

NGOs seeking to serve as Implementing Partners (Sub-delegatees) for IGAD Regional Migration Fund (RMF) intervention in Nimule and Elegu.

Reference: RMF 2024 Call 04 – Lot 1 // Call 04 – Lot 2

The IGAD Regional Migration Fund (RMF) was established in 2019, with funding from the German Government via its development bank (KfW), in order to address the challenges of and promote the potential opportunities linked to migration. The fund strives to create economic opportunities and improve living conditions for migrants, refugees, and host communities by developing economic and social infrastructure (referred to as Measures) in economic potential cross-border areas along migration routes and in protracted refugee settlements and host communities within the Greater Horn of Africa (GHoA) region, leading to strengthened social cohesion between the different communities.

This Call for Concept Notes refers to Investment Window 1 (IW1). Measures within IW1 enhance the economic potential of cross-border areas along migration routes through increased employment and diversified livelihoods for migrants and the local population, particularly for young people.

Following a participatory investment planning approach involving the local communities, the RMF initiative identified a number of thematic areas with high impact potential in the cross-border region around Nimule and Elegu. The thematic areas identified include:

Thematic Areas
1 Skills Development
2 Access to Water
3 Agriculture and Livestock development
4 Flood management

IGAD is seeking Implementing Partners (referred to for contractual reasons as Sub-delegatees) to propose and implement a package of Infrastructure Measures within each of these thematic areas as well as to develop and implement appropriate Accompanying measures linked to each of the Infrastructure Measures with the aim of contributing to economic development and social cohesion in the targeted locations.

The selected Sub-delegatee will manage the implementation of the Infrastructure and Accompanying Measures and will thus be responsible for procuring service providers (to undertake technical studies, design, works, and supervision of works), monitoring the activities of these providers and undertaking all Accompanying Measures-related activities.

IGAD is inviting interested organizations legally constituted as Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) registered under the relevant laws of the member states (South Sudan and Uganda) and having an operational presence in the cross-border areas of Nimule and Elegu to submit Concept Notes. Applicants that qualify will then be invited to develop a full Proposal with all required technical and financial details. No financial support will be provided to support the development of the Proposals. However, the IGAD RMF team will offer advice, guidance, and expertise to supplement the proposal development process.

Applicants may submit a Concept Note for one or both of the following Lots:

Lot 1 Lot 2
Concept Note covering the following 3 Thematic Areas in Nimule – South Sudan

· Skills Development

· Access to Water

· Agriculture and Livestock Development|Concept Note covering the following 3 Thematic Areas in Elegu – Uganda

· Skills Development

· Flood Management

· Agriculture and Livestock Development|

These Concept Notes will be evaluated independently and must contain information pertinent to the applicant’s experience and qualifications in the indicated geographical area and relevant to the specific proposed Measures in that location.

To receive the Concept Note package of documents with detailed instructions, email [email protected] copying [email protected] with the subject line “Concept Notes for RMF – IW1 Call 04 – Request for Information.

Complete Concept Notes must be submitted by email to [email protected] copying [email protected], with the following subject line “Concept Notes for RMF – IW1 – Call 04”. These Expressions of Interest, complying with all requirements, must be submitted to the above email addresses no later than 13.07.2024 at 23:59 EAT.

Please note that the receipt of a Concept Note from an NGO does not imply any obligation on the part of IGAD to select that applicant to develop a Proposal.

Download attached Procurement Notice Document in PDF below
Procurement-Notice.pdf (913.9 KB)