Call for Applications: Research Grants-Round One

The Rift Valley Institute (RVI) is an independent, non-profit organisation, founded in Sudan in 2001, currently working in eastern and central Africa. The aim of the Institute is to advance useful knowledge of the region and its diverse communities, bringing a better understanding of local realities to bear on social and political action.

RVI has a number of long-running projects in South Sudan including working in partnership with the Ministry of Culture, Museums and National Heritage on the development of the South Sudan National Archives, and the South Sudan Customary Authorities Project, which includes a significant emphasis on developing the skills of young South Sudanese researchers. For more information, visit: South Sudan Women’s Research Network | Rift Valley Institute.

Under a new European Union-funded project - the South Sudan Women’s Research Network - The Rift Valley Institute has today issued a Call for Proposals: Research Grants-Round One (see attached file). The call was announc
RVI 2022.02.08 Call for Grant Applications.docx (202.0 KB)
ed to the Nation on Radio Miraya this morning.

The grant is for South Sudanese women researchers from all sectors to conduct research on topics of their choosing. They will be provided with support and mentoring throughout the research process.

We would like the call to be disseminated as widely as possible so feel free to circulate it in your networks.

In any case of any questions, feel free to get in touch. Thank you!

Suzan Voga-Duffee
Project Manager
South Sudan Women’s Research Network
Rift Valley Institute