Call for a tender to Print A safe school declaration guidelines book

CEF is a non-governmental, national, humanitarian agency that was founded in 2017. The organization is devoted to the relief, emergency response, assistance, and advancement of people in greatest need in less developed areas of the country.
In South Sudan, our development work is centered in Lakes State, Central Equatoria, Jonglei, and Northern Bar El Ghazal State. We first started working in South Sudan in 2017 in response to emergency response to community affected by war and communal conflict in the country in Abyei. Our long-term development work is mainly focused on Education, Protection, WASH, FSL, child protection, Advocacy and Health.

This notice serves to Invite all qualified vendors to submit in their required documents for the printing of 700 Copies of safe school declaration guidelines booklets for South Sudan. Kindly submit in your tender documents in hard copies to Yaro,Plaza First floor, Addis Ababa Road, High Cinema Juba. All the required documents for the tender processes will be collected by person from Supply Chain team.
This tender invitation is urgent and tenders will be evaluated on daily basis.
Duot Abraham Atem** | Operation and Grant Manager| Charity and Empowerment Foundation | 1st Floor, Yaro Plaza, Addis Ababa Road, Hai Cinema, Juba, South Sudan| Mobile: +211923768217 / +211 925111597. Email: [email protected] | Skype: +211917771644|
CALL FOR TENDER July 2022.pdf (3.2 MB)