Christian Missionaries initiative (CMI) is, non- governmental, nonprofit making, none
discriminating, non-political Christian relief organization that was established by six
Missionaries in 2007 under the leadership of
South Sudanese Missionaries Dr. Rev. Michael Deng De Monychol. These intellectuals have unified their human resources to form this NGO, which was meant to help the victims of the war, the refugees and famine affected people to help themselves. Since then, the organization was expanding in all aspects of organizational
membership, developmental strategies, and program implementation in the field of Health, Education, Protection (Child protection and Mine Action), Peace building, Civic Education, Human right, Food security and livelihood, Environmental protection, Shelter, and Ministry with
head office in Juba, Market Road, Hai Referendum, Juba, Central Equatoria State, South
Sudan CMI signed a project document with UNICEF education section under global
partnership for education to construct and renovate of temporary learning space in Parieng of
Ruweng Administrative area for the duration of 6 months. Christian Missionaries Initiative is legal and recognized Independent Non-governmental and Nonprofit Christian relief organization, registered under Ministry of Humanitarian affairs and Ministry of justice. Registration number ministry of Justice No: 1,026, Registration number RRC, no: 466
The Finance Officer works in collaboration with other finance staff to support the Head of
Finance and IT to ensure that CMI operates within a healthy financial environment and meets all of its obligations and accountabilities on time. The position holder supports to establish, operate, and maintain good financial systems and controls. In addition, he/she supports the conduct and management of audits, prepares donor and operational budgets, and facilitates procurements. The Finance Officer is responsible for the day-to-day management of financial transactions and procedures in line with organizational policies and principles