This training program is intended to help the participants embrace agribusiness enterprise development to promote rural development, economic development and act a means to sustain their livelihoods.
5 days
#Learning Objectives
By the end of the course, learners will be able to:
• Understand basic in agribusiness enterprise development .
• Gain knowledge on agribusiness diversification.
• Gain skills on the role of agribusiness growth in rural development.
• Understand the gender role in agribusiness enterprise development.
• Gain skills farm management planning.
• Understand how the economic forces affect both agribusiness and rural development.
#Key Topics
Basic Concepts in Agribusiness
Agribusiness Enterprise Development
Farm Management Plan
Agribusiness Diversification
Cross-cutting issues in Agribusiness and Rural Development
EVENT DATE:7th August
To register online and view event details, click on this link [EVENT DETAILS & ONLINE REGISTRATION]