Advert for Cash Distribution Service Provider - YSAT

Youth Social Advocacy Team (YSAT ) is a Youth-led Community Empowerment, Peace Building and Humanitarian Non-Profit Organization Registered with RRC Reg No 2407 as National NGO.

We work with grassroots refugees, returnees, internally displaced people and vulnerable host communities in South Sudan to; Enhance Community Based Conflict Transformation, Promote Sustainable livelihoods, Agriculture and Skills Development, Provide Alternative Innovative Learning Opportunities and Advance evidence-based Research & Advocacy for displaced communities.

In partnership with Dan Church Aid with funding from DANIDA, YSAT is implementing a 12 month Youth Empowerment Project in Pibor where one of the project activity is Provision of Unconditional Cash Grant to displaced Households in the Area

YSAT - Youth Social Advocacy Team in Juba is inviting submissions for a Financial service Provider for Unconditional Cash Grant to vulnerable households in Pibor and Gumuruk counties of Greater Pibor Administrative Area.

YSAT has zero tolerance concerning aid diversion and illegal actions and may screen applicants, contractors, suppliers, consultants, etc.) against international lists to ensure due diligence and compliance with Anti-money laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism requirements

Application to be submitted and addressed to:

Youth Social Advocacy Team - YSAT South Sudan.
Block 5, Plot No. 111 Juba Nabari Street, Thongpiny Residential Area Near Turkish Embassy, Juba City South Sudan
by email directly to [email protected] with a copy to [email protected] | [email protected] | [email protected] [email protected]
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