Advanced Project Management Training Course

Course Date: 22nd July – 16th August, 2019 for 20 Days

Register here as individual or group to attend:

Download PDF 2019 Calendar-

Organizer: Foscore Development Center

Course Fee: $ 4,000


Successfully managing a project requires effective planning and adherence to the laid down practices in every step of the process. By understanding project management, you will be better prepared to initiate a project. In this course, you will identify effective project management practices and their related processes.


Four weeks

Course Objective:

  • Project management processes
  • Project management knowledge areas
  • Formulas, charts, and theories of project management
  • Complex project network diagrams
  • Formulas for earned value management
  • Compare and contrast processes, knowledge areas, theories, and project management best practices
  • Use of MS Project, Advanced Excel, Advanced Access or SQL
  • Data Collection using ODK,CSPRO or Google forms
  • Data Analysis using STATA or SPSS or R or NVIVO or Excel

Who should attend?

This course targets Project Management Officials from NGO’s, National Statistics Offices, Education Researchers, Government ministries, National Institutes and Planning Ministries, Central banks, and University Researchers among others.

Course content

Module one: Introduction

  • Design and Structure
  • Importance of the course

Module two: Project Management, Org Influence, and Project Life Cycle Management

  • Introduction
  • Deliverable
  • How Projects are started
  • Difference between Operational work and a project
  • Project Management , Program Management and Portfolio Management
  • Project Management and Project Management Process Groups Intro
  • Project Management Process Groups
  • Program Management and Portfolio Management
  • Organizational Project Management and Project Governance
  • Project Management Office ( PMO ) and Types of PMO’s
  • Project Manager’s Role on the Project and Competencies
  • Stakeholders and Manage Stakeholder Expectations
  • Types of Stakeholders
  • Types of Organization Structures
  • Matrix Structure and Project Manager’s role in a weak matrix
  • Enterprise environmental factors and Organization Culture
  • Organization Process Assets - Processes, Policies and Procedures
  • Work Performance Data, Work Performance Information and Work Performance Reports
  • Project Life Cycle
  • Project Phases and Characteristics of Phases
  • Project Management Framework

Module three: Integration Management

  • Introduction
  • Develop Project Charter Process
  • Project Selection Methods
  • Economic Models for Project Selection
  • Opportunity Cost, Sunk Costs, Economic Value Added and Law of diminishing returns
  • Working Capital and Depreciation
  • Develop Project Management Plan Process
  • Management Plans
  • Scope Baseline, Schedule Baseline and Cost Baseline
  • Management Plan and Process Improvement Plan
  • Change Management Plan and Change Control System
  • Project Management Plan Approval
  • Direct and Manage Project Work Process
  • Monitor and Control Project Work Process
  • Work Authorization System and Responsibility Assignment Matrix
  • Corrective Actions, Preventive Actions and Defect Repair
  • Perform Integrated Change Control Process and Types of Changes on a Project
  • Changes to Project Baselines
  • Change Control Board, Project Managers and decision making regarding changes
  • The process for making changes on a project
  • Change Request is implemented by the project manager
  • Close Project Process
  • Project Documents
  • Integration Management

Module Four: Advanced MS Project

  • using MS Project software
  • Project Calendar - Essential Part of MS Project
  • Working With Tasks in MS Project
  • Critical Path Method in Microsoft Project
  • Working With Resources in MS Project
  • Viewing Microsoft Project Information
  • MS Project Fields
  • Setting Project Baseline
  • Tracking Your Project Schedule in MS Project
  • Working in Multiple-Project Environment
  • Task Types - This is Very Important!
  • Working With the Timeline View
  • MS Project Custom Views and Custom Tables
  • MS Project Reports

Module Five: Scope Management

  • Scope Management
  • Project Scope and Product Scope
  • Project Charter and Scope
  • Plan Scope Management Process and Management Plan
  • Collect Requirements Process
  • Resolve and balance competing stakeholder requirements
  • Tools and Techniques for Collect Requirements
  • Group Decision Making
  • Requirements Traceability Matrix and Documentation
  • Define Scope Process
  • Project Scope Statement
  • Create Work Breakdown Structure ( WBS )
  • Work Packages, Control Accounts and Decomposition
  • Scope Baseline and Creep
  • Validate Scope Process
  • Difference between Control Quality and Validate Scope
  • Control Scope Process

Module Six: Time Management

  • Time Management Overview
  • Plan Schedule Management Process and Management Plan
  • Define Activities Process
  • Sequence Activities Process, Schedule Network Diagram and Outputs
  • Network Diagram Methods
  • Types of Dependencies between activities
  • Leads and Lags
  • Estimating for Cost and Time on a Project
  • Estimate Activity Resources Process and Activity Durations Process
  • Analogous Estimating and Parametric Estimating
  • Estimation and Risk Management
  • Reserve Analysis, Types of Reserves and Padding
  • Develop Schedule Process
  • Develop Project Schedule
  • Schedule Network Analysis
  • Critical Path, Critical Path Method and Near Critical Path
  • Schedule Compression
  • Shorten / reduce the Schedule on a project
  • Resource Optimization
  • Critical Chain Method
  • Project Schedule and Baseline
  • Control Schedule Process
  • Project Schedule Network Diagram and its components

Module Seven: Advanced Excel

  • Excel Formulas
  • Conditional Statements & Logical Operators
  • Statistical Functions
  • Lookup/Reference Functions
  • Text Functions
  • Date & Time Functions
  • Formula-Based Formatting
  • Array Formulas
  • Charts and graphs

Module Eight: Cost Management

  • Introduction
  • Life Cycle Costing
  • Plan Cost Management Process and Plan
  • Estimate Costs Process and Inputs to Estimating Costs
  • Variable, Fixed, Direct, Indirect
  • Estimation Techniques and tools for estimating costs
  • Contingency Reserves and Management Reserves
  • Accuracy of Estimates
  • Determine Budget Process
  • Cost Baseline, Cost Aggregation, Developing the Cost Baseline and Budget
  • Cost Baseline, Contingency Reserve and Management Reserve.
  • Control Costs Process
  • Earned Value Management
  • Actual Cost, Earned Value and Cost Variance
  • Cost Performance Index and Planned Value
  • Schedule Variance and Schedule Performance Index
  • Cost and Schedule Formulas Interpretation
  • Cost Variance (CV)
  • Cost Performance Index (CPI)
  • Schedule Variance
  • Schedule Performance Index (SPI)
  • Estimate At Completion ( EAC) and Forecasting
  • To Complete Performance Index (TCPI )
  • Estimate to Complete ( ETC )

Module Nine: Quality Management

  • Introduction
  • Grade and Quality
  • The project manager’s responsibility in Quality Management
  • Inspection and Ensuring Quality on the Project
  • Quality Management Concepts
  • Effects of Poor
  • Plan Quality Management Process
  • Tools for Plan Quality Management
  • Cause and Effect Diagram
  • Flowchart, Check sheet and Checklist
  • Histogram and Scatter Diagram
  • Control Chart
  • Outputs of Plan Quality Management Process
  • Perform Quality Assurance Process
  • Tools and Techniques used in Perform Quality Assurance Process
  • Control Quality Process and Inspection
  • Difference between Perform Quality Assurance and Control Quality, Inspection-Audit
  • Control Quality
  • Quality Management

Module Ten: Human Resource Management

  • Introduction
  • Roles and Responsibilities on a Project
  • Roles and Responsibilities of the Project Team and Project Management Team
  • Roles and Responsibilities of Stakeholders and Functional Manager
  • Roles and Responsibilities of the Portfolio Manager and Program Manager
  • Roles and Responsibilities of the Project Manager
  • Responsibilities of the Project Manager related to Human Resource Management
  • Plan Human Resource Management Process
  • Organization Charts
  • Staffing Management Plan
  • create a rewards and recognition system on the Project
  • Acquire Project Team Process
  • Tools and techniques
  • Stages of Team Formation and Development
  • Manage Project Team Process and Manage Project Team Tools/Techniques
  • Leadership Roles and Management Styles
  • Conflict Management
  • Conflict Resolution Techniques
  • Motivation Theories

Module Eleven: Employees Database Management using MS Access

  • Introduction to MS access
  • Creating and interlinking Table
  • Creating Forms
  • Creating Queries from different tables
  • Creating Reports

Module Twelve: Communication Management

  • Introduction
  • Plan Communication Management Process
  • Stakeholder Communication Requirements
  • Types of Communication
  • Communication Model
  • Effective communication and listening
  • Communication Methods
  • Communication Channels
  • Communication Management Plan
  • Manage Communications Process and Blockers
  • Performance Reporting
  • Types of Reports
  • Control Communications Process

Module Thirteen: Risk Management

  • Introduction
  • Threats and Opportunities and Benefits of Risk Management
  • Uncertainty, Business Risk and Pure Risk
  • Factors of Risk
  • Risks in Project Management
  • Plan Risk Management Process and Plan
  • Risk Categories / Sources of Risk
  • Risk Breakdown Structure
  • Tools and Techniques for Identifying Risks
  • Risk Register
  • Qualitative Risk Analysis Process
  • Plan Risk responses process and Plans
  • Risk response strategies
  • Risk Acceptance Strategy
  • Outputs of Plan Risk Responses Process
  • Control Risks Process
  • Tools and Techniques of Control Risks Process

Module Fourteen: Procurement Management

  • Introduction
  • Purpose of a contract
  • Buyers and Sellers Agreement
  • The Difference between an agreement and a contract
  • Procurement on a Project
  • Changes to a Contract and Formality
  • Role of the Project Manager in Procurement
  • Plan Procurement Management Process
  • Make Or Buy Analysis
  • Procurement Statement of Work
  • Contract Types
  • Time and Material Contract
  • Cost Reimbursable (CR) Contract
  • Procurement Documents
  • Important Procurement Concepts
  • Negotiations
  • Control Procurements Process
  • Tools of Control Procurements Process
  • Conflict between procurement manager and project manager-Contract Interpretation
  • Close Procurements Process

Module Fifteen: Stakeholder Management

  • Introduction
  • Stakeholders involvement in projects
  • Identify Stakeholders Process
  • Stakeholder Analysis
  • Classification Tools
  • Stakeholder Register
  • Plan Stakeholder Management Process
  • Stakeholder Engagement Matrix
  • Stakeholder Management Plan
  • Manage Stakeholder Engagement Process
  • Control Stakeholder Engagement Process

Module Sixteen: ICT in Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Mobile based data collection using ODK
  • Data visualization - info graphics and dashboards
  • Use of ICT tools for Real-time monitoring and evaluation

Module Seventeen: Qualitative Data Analysis

  • Principles of qualitative data analysis
  • Data preparation for qualitative analysis
  • Linking and integrating multiple data sets in different forms
  • Thematic analysis for qualitative data
  • Content analysis for qualitative data
  • Manipulation and analysis of data using NVivo

Module Eighteen: Quantitative Data Analysis – (Using SPSS/Stata/SAS/Excel)

  • Introduction to statistical concepts
  • Creating variables and data entry
  • Data reconstruction
  • Variables manipulation
  • Descriptive statistics
  • Understanding data weighting
  • Inferential statistics: hypothesis testing, T-test, ANOVA, regression analysis

General Notes

  • All our courses can be Tailor-made to participants needs

  • The participant must be conversant with English

  • Presentations are well guided, practical exercise, web based tutorials and group work. Our facilitators are expert with more than 10years of experience.

  • Upon completion of training the participant will be issued with Foscore development center certificate (FDC-K)

  • Training will be done at Foscore development center (FDC-K) center in Nairobi Kenya. We also offer more than five participants training at requested location within Kenya, more than ten participant within east Africa and more than twenty participant all over the world.

  • Course duration is flexible and the contents can be modified to fit any number of days.

  • The course fee includes facilitation training materials, 2 coffee breaks, buffet lunch and a Certificate of successful completion of Training. Participants will be responsible for their own travel expenses and arrangements, airport transfers, visa application dinners, health/accident insurance and other personal expenses.

  • Accommodation, pickup, freight booking and Visa processing arrangement, are done on request, at discounted prices.

  • One year free Consultation and Coaching provided after the course.

  • Register as a group of more than two and enjoy discount of (10% to 50%) plus free five hour adventure drive to the National game park.

  • Payment should be done two week before commence of the training, to FOSCORE DEVELOPMENT CENTER account, so as to enable us prepare better for you.

  • For any enquiry at: [email protected] or +254712260031

  • Website:

  • View course content and register as individual or group using this link to receive invoice and invitation letter

  • View Monitoring and Evaluation courses calendar 2019

  • View All Courses calendar 2019

  • Course fee: USD: 4,000