Advanced Graphics, tabulations and Statistical Analysis using Stata

Dear All,
Indepth Research Services would like to invite you to take a course in Advanced Graphics, tabulations and Statistical Analysis using Stata . Stata is a complete statistical software package for data management, data analysis and graphics. It comprises classical and advanced functions including: panel data analysis, forecasting, time series analysis, survival analysis, cross sectional and longitudinal survey methods, structural equation modeling, simulation methods and tables for almost all researchers and analysts. The software can be used via a graphical user interface (menus and dialog boxes) or a command-line interface using its very intuitive programming language. Stata benefits from a very active user community giving support on a dedicated mailing list (Statalist) and developing new packages to extend the software capabilities.


10 days


This is a general course targeting participants with elementary knowledge of Statistics from Agriculture, Economics, Food Security and Livelihoods, Nutrition, Education, Medical or public health professionals among others who already have some statistical knowledge, but wish to be conversant with the concepts and applications of statistical modeling. No Prior attendance of a Stata course is required.


By the end of the training, you will be able to:

  • Understand both descriptive and inferential statistics
  • Understand various data collection techniques and data processing methods
  • Use mobile phones for data collection(Open Data Kit)
  • Use basic functions and navigation within Stata
  • Create and manipulate graphs and figures in Stata
  • Annotate data, set out command functions, create and execute Do files.
  • Use Stata effectively for manipulating and analysing data.
  • Keep records of your work and create reproducible analyses.
  • Export the results of your analyses.

Click on Apply now below against course

Nairobi, Kenya 17-02-2020 28-02-2020 Apply now

Nairobi, Kenya 15-06-2020 26-06-2020 Apply now

Nairobi, Kenya 14-09-2020 25-09-2020 Apply now

Nairobi, Kenya 07-12-2020 18-12-2020 Apply now

Click on Apply now below against course

Kigali, Rwanda 04-11-2019 15-11-2019 Apply now

Kigali, Rwanda10-02-2020 21-02-2020 Apply now

Kigali, Rwanda 25-05-2020 05-06-2020 Apply now

Kigali, Rwanda 03-08-2020 14-08-2020 Apply now


Day 1: Introduction to Statistics, Data Collection, Processing and Stata

Day 2: Data Processing and Management with Stata

Day 3: Data Processing and Management with Stata

Day 4: Output management and tabulating data with Stata

Day 5: Basic Stata Graphics

Day 6: Statistical Inference

Day 7: Regression Analysis using Stata

Day: 8 Advanced analysis of complex survey data

Day: 9 Panel data analysis

Day: 10 Time-series Analysis

Click here to view full course catalog
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Best regards,
Indepth Research Services