Advance M&E I Training - Nairobi (3rd - 7th Jun '19) - $450

Monitoring and Evaluation is a wide subject but somewhere will often require responsibilities for indicator data collection, data collation, data manipulation and analysis tasks like in other researches. M&E survey designs, sampling procedures, data collection techniques and data management require an effort on the part of the M&E staff or consultant. Goolee Institute has skillfully designed this Advanced M&E Level I course – as a buildup to the PMEAL Module - in order to impart in participants the skills of M&E data management and analysis.


  1. To introduce participants to basic statistics for M&E, survey and sampling designs
  2. To explore quantitative & qualitative M&E data collection methods and tools
  3. To build participants’ skills in mobile data collection for M&E surveys
  4. To introduce participants to quantitative analysis techniques for M&E surveys
  5. To explore qualitative data management techniques for qualitative M&E evaluation

• Introduction to Basic Statistical Concepts for M&E
• Introduction to Evaluation Designs and Survey Planning
• Sampling Designs for Evaluation Surveys
• Data Collection Methods & Tools for M&E
• Mobile Data Collection using ODK Collect
• Participatory M&E Tools
• Introduction to STATA Software
• M&E Data Management and Analysis using STATA
• Introduction to Qualitative Evaluation
• Introduction to NVivo Software for Qualitative Evaluation Analysis
• M&E Reporting and Communication

At the end of this course participants should be able to:
• Design M&E surveys, collect data on indicators, manage and analyse effectively for reporting purposes
• Appropriately choose between conventional evaluation versus participatory evaluation based on stakeholder needs
• Generate evidence based M&E reports and disseminate findings effectively for decision purposes and stakeholder learning

This course is suitable for those already with knowledge on basic M&E. This course particularly targets M&E Managers/Officers, Programme Managers/Officers, Development Researchers, Quality Assurance Managers/Officers, M&E Consultants and M&E Graduate Students among others.


COST: USD 450 (KES 35,000 for Kenyan residents)

VENUE: Nairobi, Kenya

The course is 80% practical, involving instructor-led presentations, illustrations, individual and group assignments, QA sessions, case studies and breakouts among others. The trainers are very adept and experienced in this field.

• Participants are advised to carry a laptop & mobile smart phones with Android OS
• Must have at least attended PMEAL course or similar before taking this course
• Prior experience in data collection, management and analysis is an added advantage

What is provided?
Free training software
Participants will have a free tour in Nairobi
Conference meals (lunch, morning and evening break refreshments)
Training materials
Airport transfer for international participants

What is not provided?
Accommodation and breakfast, dinner, VISA, travel ticket, other personal effects.
If you require assistance in any of these, we shall be glad to respond.

HOW to Apply
Apply and fill correctly all the requested information in the application form. After you have completed the application then click on the “Book Course” button below it in order to submit the form.

For further inquiries please write to us at: [email protected], OR call us on the mobile: +254 721 445293.

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