Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Training Workshop from 27th to 1st December 2017 in Nairobi
Course Overview:
According to the latest estimates of the WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation (JMP), released in early 2013 (collected in 2011), 36 per cent of the world’s population – 2.5 billion people – lack improved sanitation facilities, and 768 million people still use unsafe drinking water sources. Inadequate access to safe water and sanitation services, coupled with poor hygiene practices, kills and sickens thousands of children every day, and leads to impoverishment and diminished opportunities for thousands more.
The course provides an understanding of WASH in the context of wider public health challenges and illustrates the practical interventions necessary to deliver on health and wider development/emergency needs.
Course Objectives:
By the end of this course, a student assessed as competent against this qualification will be able to:
• Understand public health and appreciate the current and future disease burden in developing countries
• Correlate WASH and Environmental Health with Public Health (including nutrition) in the context of community development
• Understand the practicalities around community water supply, waste management (including drainage), and related environmental health issues for effective community hygiene promotion
• Examine indicators of performance in WASH and wider environmental health
• Explain current thinking and practices meant to achieve sustainable WASH services through good technical, institutional and economic principles.
• Discuss the issue of integrating behavior change in WASH and understand the importance and current thinking to hygiene promotion.
• Plan and coordinate WASH responses in emergencies.
• Understand the complexity of delivering safe water and sanitation in an emergency.
Module 1 introduction
a) Introduction to Water. Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
b) Global disease Burden
c) Assessing Public health Patterns in Emergencies
d) Effective WASH interventions
Module 2 WATER
a) Hygiene Promotions
b) Water Supply standards and Water Quality
c) Water and Sanitation initials needs Assessments
d) Health Promotions and Community Participation
Module 3
a) Water and sustainable Development
b) Community participation and Management
c) Cost and cost effectiveness of WASH
d) Water Technologies
e) Maintenance of Water Supply Systems
Module 4
a) Disease and Disease transmissions
b) Diseases in Population
c) Water and Environmental Sanitation Programmes
d) Sanitations
e) Municipal solid Waste Management
Course Organizers:
Africa Institute for Project Management Studies (www.africadevelopmentresources.org) is an organization that was founded in 1999 as a capacity building expert and a development think tank that proposes solutions for development problems facing third world countries with a big project portfolio in Africa.
We have delivered timely and professional capacity building services to a wide variety of organizations in the development sector. These include donor organizations, Government agencies, co-funding agencies, International and local NGOs, Government agencies and private sector firms. We have conducted successful consultancies for many organizations.
Training Duration: 5 days
Targeted participants
This course is intended for various practitioners in non-government organizations, Government agencies, International development donor agencies and Consultants.
Training Methods
The course will be intensive and will be conducted as a workshop with a high degree of participant involvement. Small group activities will be undertaken together with practical sessions.
Upon successful completion of this training, participants will be awarded a Certificate of Completion.
Course Fees
USD 1000/=
Venue: Meridian Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya
Date: 27th November to 1st December 2017
The fees will cater for tuition, writing materials, lunch and tea break snacks and a certificate. Participants will be expected to take care of their travel expenses, accommodation and any other out of pocket expenses. Accommodation can be reserved on prior arrangement.
Mode of payment
Payment shall be made through electronic fund transfer to AIPMS bank account 5 days prior to the commencement of the course.
For more information please contact us on:
Telephone: +254-727-616-783/ 733-846-186
Email: training@africadevelopmentresources.org
Website: www.africadevelopmentresources.org