INTRODUCTION: The Training is designed for people working in the development sector or Government who want to get to grips with Theory of Change. Theory of change is the new approach in development work and M&E. But, what is it all about. Currently the international development community (practitioners and donors alike) shows great interest in using a theory of change (TOC) as the development hypothesis for projects. Compared to other processes, a TOC requires more in-depth, causal analysis of issues, supported by a rigorous and evolving evidence base. Developing and using a TOC is an effective means of building common understanding around the processes needed to achieve desired changes. Additionally, a TOC allows for efficient monitoring, learning, and evaluation based on a clear and testable set of hypotheses. Theory of Change is a tool that describes a process of planned change, from the assumptions that guide its design, the planned outputs and outcomes to the long-term impacts it seeks to achieve.
• The objective of this course is to familiarize people with Theory of Change as both a product and a process.
• The aim is to increase the capacity of the development sector to deliver project outcomes, and to be able to measure and evaluate these outcomes.
• Participants will gain understanding on how to apply the theory of change to develop relevant and applicable interventions
• Understand how the TOC is used in planning, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating development programs
Who should attend?: This course is ideal for those who have been working in the development Sector, or for Government, and need to get to grips with Theory of Change such as researchers, policy makers in government, project teams, NGOs, multi and bi-lateral development organizations and consultancies.
Major Themes to be covered
(Detailed outline will be given out on the First day of Reporting)
Theme 1: Introduction to Theory of Change (TOC)
Theme 2: Theory of change in relation to other framework
• Theory of change vs Logical framework
• Theory of change vs Result framework
Theme 3: Developing a Theory of Change using manual approach
Theme 4: Developing theory of Using Theory of Change Online (TOCO) Software
Theme 5: Assessing the quality of a Theory of Change
Theme 6: Using the Theory of Change throughout the Project Cycle
Participants will leave the course with:
• A case study that they have worked on
Training Fees: Ugandans: 250,000 UGX; International: 100 USD
Venue: Ntinda Ministers Village Hotel
Date: 2ND to 3RD /NOVEMBER/2016
Methodology: The training course will be run in a workshop style with a high degree of participant involvement. Small group work will be interspersed with input sessions. Adult learning methodologies will be employed, and participants will not be passive. Debate and discussion will be encouraged. The trainers are expert facilitators, and while they will be sharing their own experiences of M&E with you.
Examples and case studies will be used to facilitate practical application of concepts and processes.
Participants should come with a case study of a project that they could share with the group and use as a practical exercise.
Award: Upon successful completion of this training participants will be able to receive a CERTICATE OF COMPLETION
Limited slots: We only need 20 participants: Enrollment for this training is based on first come, first serve basis
Payment details
Register and pay before 25th/October /2016
Those Paying in UGX can pay through
• Account Name: Maarifa Consult
• Bank: Stanbic Bank
• Account Number:9030010504731
• Branch: Ntinda, Branch
• Account Type: Uganda Shillings Account (UGX)
• You can deposit cash or write a Check in the Name of “MAARIFA CONSULT”
Those paying in USD can pay through
• Account Name: Maarifa Consult Ltd
• Bank: KCB Bank
• Account Number:2203269251
• Account Type: USD Account
• Branch: Forest Mall, Kampala
• You can deposit Cash or pay in Check in the name of “MAARIFA CONSULT LTD”
Note: After Payment, please send a proof of payment to the email below
How to Apply: Interested individuals can apply through our website:
or send an email requesting for a registration form to: