Participatory monitoring and evaluation (PM&E) is designed to recognize and include communities as important stakeholders in data collection and evaluation. It expands the notion of accountability to answer not only whether organizations are fulfilling the terms of the funding they receive, but also whether they are fulfilling the needs and goals of the communities they serve. PM&E requires including community voices in monitoring and evaluation, and building the capacity of community members to become active partners in this process. This training aims enhancing the use of Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation (PM&E) for Development Projects/Programmes
This training is intended for Project Management Officials, government officials, department heads and programme managers; extension officers, Fielf officer; policy makers and programme implementers; development practitioners and activists and NGO and CSO members among others.
10 days
The training is aimed at introducing and equipping participants with skills in;
Using Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation approaches in executing their responsibilities
Overcoming challenges they face in using participatory approaches
Development and Implementation of a PM&E Process
Developing Participatory PM&E process graphic presentation
Planning the PM&E Process and Determining Objectives and Indicators
Designing PM&E system
Data capturing methodology and data Analysis for PM&E
Reporting on progress toward outcomes to Stakeholders and Participatory dissemination.
Module 1: Introduction to Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation (PME)
Definition of Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation
Purpose and benefits of Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation
Principles of Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation
The relevance of Participatory Monitoring And Evaluation
PM&E and project impact
Challenges in using participatory approaches
Module 2: Development and Implementation of a PM&E Process
Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation Frameworks
Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation Plans
Participatory PM&E process graphic presentation
Planning the PM&E Process and Determining Objectives and Indicators
Data Collection methods and tools
Data analyzing
Sharing information and definition of actions to be taken
Module 3: Tools and Techniques for PME
Participatory Rural Appraisal(PRA)
Beneficiary Assessment
Other techniques
Visual self-evaluation tools
Photographing the evidence
Community records and indicators
Module 4: PM&E Planning
Importance of planning
The Situation Analysis
The PM&E Plan – how to prepare it
Development of action plan and implementation
Module 5: Designing PM&E system (Steps)
Conditions for effective PM&E systems
Defining the purpose and scope
Defining M&E questions to guide the identification of indicators
Answering the information needs of target audiences
Identifying audiences
Formulation of the M&E questions
Choosing indicators and/or specific statements and analysis for answering M&E Questions.
Identification of Baselines and Milestones for quantitative and/or qualitative indicators
Data capturing methodology
Using the information for the action-learning process and reporting
Module 6: Data capturing methodology and Data Analysis for PM&E
Participatory Information gathering Tools and Methods
Determining the balance of quantitative and qualitative data
Triangulating data collection sources and methods
Determining sampling requirements
Preparing data collection methods/tools
Establishing stakeholder complaints and feedback mechanisms
Quantitative data analysis
Qualitative data analysis: The basic steps
Using NVivo for qualitative data management and analysis
Module 7: Reporting and Action-learning in the PM&E
Reporting on progress toward outcomes to Stakeholders and Participatory dissemination.
Communication activities to partners and stakeholders
Assessment of work with cross-cutting themes
Lessons learned
Key activities and results that need planning
Using the information for the action-learning process and reporting
This training can also be customized for your institution upon request. You can have it delivered your preferred location.
For further inquiries, please contact us on
Tel: +254 (0) 739167709.
Email: training