Re-Advertisement for Relief/Development Coordinator

Dear All,
Catholic Development Office (CDO) is a relief and development agency of the Kosti Pastoral Region of the Catholic Archdiocese of Khartoum. It operates in Upper Nile State (Maban and Renk Counties) of South Sudan to offer emergency relief and development programmes to those in need, without discrimination. CDO has been working in Renk and Maban since mid-eighties implementing community-driven programmes that address a broad range of social issues, from relief to community development and education. Recently it has been working with both the host community and Sudanese refugees in Maban as well as the IDPs. CDO is currently seeking to recruit for Relief/Development coordinator to be based in Renk.

kindly find the attached re-advertisement for wider circulation.
.CDO Re-advertisement.pdf (1.1 MB)

Thank you.