It is estimated that around 64% of donor funded projects fail to achieve their intended objectives according to some studies. The reasons for high failure rate thought to be; structural/contextual issues, 2) institutional/sustainability problems and 3) managerial/organization problems (Project management institute [PMI]. Yet with many development interventions in Rwanda and other developing countries preferring project approach, the case for prudent project management couldn’t be stronger.
What this course is about
This course covers the entire project management cycle as applied in the development context. It looks at all the processes involved in the planning and execution of development projects from project initiation to closure. A candidate who has gone through this training programme is able to among others;
· Articulate key tenets of project cycle management
· Prepare a coherent grant proposal
· Develop a sound project log frame
· Put in place clear risk management strategy
· Manage project resources (money and people) prudently
· Manage relationships with key stakeholders
· Avoid common pitfalls associated with development project and instead apply best practices
About Research Hub
Research Hub is an insights firm that specialises in monitoring evaluation and research. Our philosophy is anchored on the belief that the success of every project or idea is contingent on solid and credible information being available to decision makers. We do this through; 1) developing the capacity of development practitioners and undertaking research and evaluations to inform key decision makers in private, public and not for profit organisations. We are proud to have provided cutting edge yet competitive training to organisations across the African continent. From South Sudan, to Uganda, Rwanda Malawi among others, previous participants have left satisfied with the quality of training accorded to them.
Note for international applicants.
Visa: Nationals from the African continent obtain visas on arrival at the port of entry. East African nationals do not require visas.
Hotel Accommodation: Research Hub has negotiated a generous discount for participants staying at Grand Legacy hotel where the workshop is taking place so much that instead of paying $200, workshop attendees only pay $120 a night. The rate includes breakfast, airport transfer, bed, gym swimming pool, internet, Sauna steam among others. See details here:
Course structure:
Day 1
Introduction to project management concepts and definitions
o Project versus programme
o Characteristics of a project
o Project management cycle
o Reflection on why some project fail
o Project management cycle
o Project formulation
Day 2
Proposal writing/Project design
o Context analysis
o Problem analysis
o Objective analysis
o Results setting
o Monitoring and evaluation indicators
o Strategy analysis
o Risk analysis
o Project log frame
o Decision making
Day 3:
Project appraisal & implementation
o Social economic and environmental and political appraisal
o Stakeholder analysis
o Strategy analysis
o Decision making
o Work plans
o Human resourcing
o Baseline studies
o Reporting framework
o Finalizing M&E plans, log frames etc
o Knowledge management plan
Day 4
o Monitoring and Evaluation
o What and why M&E?
· Introduction to M&E concepts
· Outcome monitoring/formative assessment
· M&E cycle
Day 5:
Report writing
· Introduction to report writing
· Clarity on what counts as a project best practice and lesson learned
· Guiding frameworks for documenting
o Best practices
o Lessons learned
o Success stories
Course eligibility
The course is suitable for project managers and other mid-level technicians aspiring to be project and programme managers.
Dates:** 23rd - 27th October 2017.
Duration: Five (5) days
Location: Kigali
Application process:
Interested applicants are encouraged to send filled application form and their latest CVs to not later than 16th October 2017. The application form can be obtained from the link below