Event: Program and Budget Analysis Using Microsoft Excel Course.
Budget analyst are charged with tracking expenditures, reporting on the performance of the financial plan and forecasting future needs. Rather than only relying on superficial comparisons against previous years’ data and simple (often intuitive) adjustments, they need more sophisticated analytical skills. This course will enable participants to use more sophisticated analytical tools and advanced features of Microsoft Excel to draw useful and reliable conclusions regarding financial performance and demonstrate that information graphically. This results in more productive analyses (less time-consuming, while providing more valuable information), which will aid organizations’ efforts to track expenditures and control budget execution. Approximately 85% of the course time will be spent using Microsoft Excel.
4 days
This course is designed for all program and financial management personnel who want to learn about many of the data analysis tools available in Microsoft Excel to aid in creating more compelling analyses of their programs.
•Navigate the Excel ribbon
•Query databases using the Filter tool and the Advanced Filter too
•Aggregate and display different attributes of a data set using the PivotTabl.
•Use Excel’s Descriptive Statistics tool to calculate statistical measures of central tendency, variation, and shape
•Use the Histogram tool to organize your data and create a frequency distribution
•Perform graphical analysis of data
•Use the Rank and Percentile tool to calculate a data item’s rank and percentile ranking
•Use time series data and Excel’s trendline function to forecast future budgets, costs, and workloads
•Learn which trendline (linear, polynomial, logarithmic, or exponential) is the best to use based on R2
•Identify cost drivers using Excel’s Correlation tool
•Develop simple linear and multiple linear regression models to develop forecasts and predictive equations using Excel’s Regression tool
•Warm up and review.
•Querying and Analyzing Data.
•Computing Statistics on Collected Data.
•Time Series and Analysis and Forecasting.
Visit our website for more details.
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Accommodation is arranged upon request. For reservations contact the Training Officer.
Email: outreach@indepthresearch.org
Mob: +254 715 077 817
Tel: 020 211 3814
Payment should be transferred to IRES account through bank on or before C.O.B. 27th November 2017
Send proof of payment to outreach@indepthresearch.org
View course catalogue on ICT4D and mobile technologies Institute.
For further inquiries, please contact us on Tel: +254 715 077 817, +254 (020) 211 3814, +254 731240802, +254 735331020.
Email outreach@indepthresearch.org