Event: Nutrition Assessment and Survey using ENA/ EPIINFO
Despite all efforts undertaken both nationally and internationally, poor nutritional status is still a fundamental cause of most non-communicable diseases and shortened life-span. The nutritional assessment and survey is done to obtain information about the prevalence and geographic distribution of nutritional disorders within a community or a specified population group It can also be used to identify high-risk groups and to assess the role of different epidemiological factors in nutritional deficiency
There are mainly two software programs used in nutrition assessments and surveys; ENA and EpiInfo. ENA analytical program has automated functions for sample size calculations, sample selection quality checks, standardization for anthropometry measurements, and report generation with automatic analyses. It facilitates survey planning, data collection, analysis and reporting with the ability to generate automatic standard tables and graphs for anthropometric indices and plausibility check reports. On the other hand EpiInfo contains a module for making questionnaires and has much more sophisticated statistical functions. The two software can also be combined to ENA/EpiInfo software which combines the advantages of both systems.
5 days
This is an intermediate course targeting participants with basic knowledge of Nutrition. It is recommended to project officers’ implementing nutrition projects, researchers, epidemiologist and students.
By the end of the training, participants should be able to:
• Understand the importance of nutrition assessments and survey
• Understand the basic anthropometric techniques application and reference standards
• Gain a general knowledge on how to install and work with ENA software
• Gain a general knowledge on how to install and work with EpiInfo software
• Program data entry forms
• Produce automated analyses of key mortality and nutrition indicators
• Conduct automated plausibility and data quality checks
• Generate reports that include results of these automated analyses.
• Install and work with ENA/EpiInfo Software
Visit our website for more details.
Tailor-Made Training
This training can also be customized for your institution upon request to a minimum of 4 participants. You can have it delivered in our training centre or at a convenient location.
How to participate
Tailors make your course.
Register individual.
Register as a group.
Become one of our partners.
Purchase software’s
View course catalogue on Health and social care Institute.
For further inquiries, please contact us on Tel: +254 715 077 817, +254 (020) 211 3814, +254 731240802, +254 735331020.
Email outreach@indepthresearch.org